Ulysses Galletti – “From Accountant to Digital Painter”

Work of Ulysses Galletti.

Ullyses Galletti, an artist in tune with digital art, producing it through sophisticated image editing software. Compliant Ari Bianchi (doodles & Drawings): “(..) His works are strongly influenced by the modern art movement and by great masters such as Pablo Picasso and the artists of the Bauhaus art school. Ulysses intuitively went on to … Read more

Exhibition “Brazilian Fauna and Flora” presents lithographs with Amazonian birds cataloged by Emílio Goeldi and woodcuts with flowers by Oswaldo Goeldi

& quot; Marrecão - Ducks - Marrecas" by Emílio Goeldi. Photo: Disclosure.

The next day 5 June, World environment day, will be opened in Taubaté, no Via Vale Garden Shopping, the exhibition “Brazilian Fauna and Flora”. The show has, in the room Fauna, 48 methacrylate planks with the 337 species of Amazonian birds cataloged by the Swiss zoologist and scientist Emílio Goeldi during the period in … Read more

Cover and back cover

Author: Viviane Teixeira. Title: Green Faith. Year: 2021. Technique: oily pastel without paper. Dimensions: 42 x 30 cm, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

cover – everything that involves, covers, protect something, for the purpose of protecting the back cover – inner part of the cover of a work or publication; back cover or back cover Annex LONA receives exposure, curated and designed by Marcio Harum - CAPA and CONTRACAPA that, despite the suggestion of uniqueness, is "2". The space opens two shows … Read more

São Rafael Galleries: between the Berlin wall and the road to freedom

Rodolfo M. Costa, exhibition. Photo: Disclosure.

São Rafael Galleries are an art gallery that crosses the elite and luxury art circuit with the humanitarian circuit, fostering exchange and cultural awareness. In a quest to give visibility to emerging artists, launch the series “Visual micropolitics”, #finearts series by artist Sílvia Raposo, and “Information”, series of collages … Read more

Franco Belli exhibition at Brazil Gallery - Art Gallery, by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 1 - Brazil Gallery physical space in São Paulo.

All of those who are there Clamping my way, They will pass… I little bird! (QUINTANA, 2005, p.257) Mário Quintana subtized through words. Your own poetry is a hummingbird flying freely across a piece of paper. Your few words are like a symphony. Through them it is possible to discern the grace and lightness of the spirit … Read more

[ 52 years of Guará ] Visual arts collective show favors women artists and LGBTQIAP +

Work of Jeorgenete Monfort. Photo: Disclosure.

To celebrate the 52 years of foundation of Guará, visual artists from the region present their works at the collective show: Colors of the Cerrado Works in different techniques and supports brought together to reaffirm the protagonism of art in the construction of the Guaraense cultural identity The emblematic Feira do Guará houses, between days 20 of May to 10 … Read more

Last days of the exhibition Luz no Brasil by the Belgian artist Françoise Schein at Paço Imperial and the public wins the exhibition catalog

Exhibition "Luz no Brasil"" by Françoise Schein. Photo: Luke Garcia.

Ministry of Tourism, Special Culture Secretariat KDB Partners present Luz no Brasil Last days of the exhibition that covers the trajectory of the Belgian artist Françoise Schein, celebrating 20 years of experience in Brazil with public works on Human Rights Until 22 de Mayo, Tuesday to Saturday, at Paço Imperial Belgian artist Françoise … Read more

Lisete Teresinha Chies - “Translúcidos Olhares”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Oberes de Lisete Teresinha Chies.

1. Tell me a little about you. My name is Lisete Teresinha Chies, born in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, and I live in this city to this day. I have a degree in Legal and Social Sciences, but ten years ago I started painting. I bought paints, canvases and brushes and I never stopped. 2. Why art? … Read more

“Resurgence”: sea ​​that inspires and teaches

Pedro Vasquez. Photo: Disclosure.

The exhibition “Resurgence” will be open to the public, on 21 de Mayo, Friday, from 11:0, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Niterói (RJ), with an invitation to come back and breathe new airs. O título é uma alusão ao fenômeno oceanográfico que ocorre quando ventos mudam de direção eRead more

Last week - Exhibition “Limite Oblíquo” by photographer Vicente de Mello at Paço Imperial

Last week - Exhibition “Limite Oblíquo” by photographer Vicente de Mello at Paço Imperial, invitation - featured. Disclosure.

The exhibition is on until day 23. Series catalog available FREE to visitors Collecting enthusiast, Vicente developed an archival technique that reworked the object itself, proposing new formal dialogues, In Oblique Limit, your collection of hangover sediments, collected on Itacoatiara beach, Niterói, generated images that have … Read more