Trio of winners in the Rio de Janeiro semifinal stage of the 13th edition of the Aliança Francesa Song Festival 2020

Clari. Photo: Maxime Lavigne.

The first place went to the singer Clari, who performed the song “Voyage Voyage”, recorded by the French Desireless. She participates in the final with the winners of the regional stage, on 26 November, in a virtual way and competes the trip to Paris with Air France tickets and a weekend in a unit … Read more

“Festival Toriba Musical” continues with two lyrical recitals and a piano recital with Beethoven sonatas

Marly Montoni, soprano and Ulysses Montoni, tenor, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The Toriba Musical Festival continues this week with three more performances in the Fireplace Room of the Hotel Toriba, always at 19 hours, live and with audience presence. On Wednesday, 18 Nov, soprano Marly Montoni and tenor Ulisses Montoni make the whole program with songs from great Broadway musicals. In … Read more

This week, the “Festival Toriba Musical” has two lyrical recitals, with sopranos Karen Stephanie and Aymée Elisa, and the Amabile Quartet playing Beethoven

Karen Stephanie, soprano & Johnny France, baritone. Photo: Disclosure.

Toriba Musical Festival continues to bring the best quality music to Campos do Jordão, in live presentations and with audience presence. This week, three more presentations in the Fireplace Room at Hotel Toriba, at 7:30 pm. On Wednesday, 11 Nov, a lyrical recital with soprano Aymée Elisa and bass Rogério Nunes. … Read more

This week, the “Festival Toriba Musical” has two solo guitar recitals with Daniel Murray and lyrical music with soprano Guiomar Milan

Daniel murray, violão. Photo: Samuel Santana (MR).

The Toriba Musical Festival continues in Campos do Jordão, with the best quality music echoing in the majestic mountains of Mantiqueira! This week, will be three more presentations in the Fireplace Room of Hotel Toriba, at 7:30 pm. Two of them are attracted to Daniel Murray, one of the most talented Brazilian guitarists of his generation, in recitals for … Read more

Curitiba City Chamber Orchestra resumes face-to-face concerts honoring Beethoven

Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba. Photo: Daniel Castilian.

Face-to-face concerts With minor training, the Curitiba City Chamber Orchestra returns to the stage of Capela Santa Maria after seven months of isolation due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus in Curitiba. Chamber music for up to four members will be performed and of short duration. celebrating 250 years of the birth of … Read more

Postponed to the day 12 the semifinal stage of the 13th edition of the Festival da Canção Aliança Francesa will be broadcast live via facebook and youtube from AF Rio from November

13Edition of Song Festival Alliance Française 2020, selected. Disclosure.

Nova data! The Rio semifinal stage of the 13th edition of the Aliança Francesa Song Festival 2020, date postponed to the month of November with transmission via Facebook and Youtube by AF Rio For technical reasons of logistics, to the live presentations of the eleven selected candidates in Rio de Janeiro take place on the 12 from … Read more

[POSTPONED] The 13th edition of the Aliança Francesa Song Festival 2020 reaches the semifinals virtually, with transmission via Facebook and Youtube from AF Rio

13Edition of Song Festival Alliance Française 2020, selected. Disclosure.

[POSTPONED] The eleven selected candidates in Rio de Janeiro perform at a live event, day 28 October, at 19h, broadcast directly from the auditorium of the Alliance Française Tijuca, adapted to health security measures. The first place of this regional stage competes for the place in the final, in November and the big winner will be … Read more

#CCBBemCASA: Immersion, Art and Music

Björk Digital, catalog, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Programming of LIVES with international collaborators from Björk and national guests touches aspects of immersion, art and music from the artist's work How to approach Björk in times of pandemic? O CCBB oferece ao público uma programação inédita de lives com alguns dos principais colaboradores estrangeiros da multiartista islandesa, em bate-papos que envolvem tambémRead more

“Festival Toriba Musical” this week has Jazz, Tango and Opera

Marco Bernardo, pianist and singer. Photo: Otavio Dias.

Good music continues to echo in the majestic mountains of Serra da Mantiqueira! The Toriba Musical Festival continues this week with three performances in the Fireplace Room of the Hotel Toriba, at 7:30 pm. On Wednesday, 7 of October, Marco Bernardo, accompanied by piano by Antonio Luiz Barker, interprets jazz and Tom songbook classics … Read more

“Festival Toriba Musical” this Saturday's attraction is the opera “Domitila”, by João Guilherme Ripper

To soprano Maria Sole Gallevi no papel de Domitila. Photo: Daniela Toviansky.

The Toriba Musical Festival's main attraction this week is an opera performance “Domitila”. The presentation takes place on Saturday, 2 of October, às 19h30. On “stage”, the Fireplace Room at the Hotel Toriba, estará a soprano italiana Maria Sole Gallevi, e grupo instrumental formado por Daniel Oliveira, clarinet, Fabrício Rodrigues, cello, Alexsander Ribeiro deRead more
