Registration open – Projeto Rota da Cultura starts online and free cultural workshops

Culture Route Project, poster - featured. Disclosure.

Check the details of the virtual concert meetings, Opera, dance and theater To welcome the arrival of 2021, the Sound Culture Route project, Cena e Corpo starts its activities from the day 18 January with free online workshops on the performing arts. With open enrollment, the meetings will take place until may, always … Read more

Hotel Toriba, in Campos do Jordao, has a week full of good music

Amabile Quartet, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Hotel Toriba's schedule, the most musical hotel in Campos do Jordão, this week has many and varied special attractions. On Thursday, day 17, day when the world celebrates 250 Ludwig van Beethoven's birth year, the Amabile Quartet performs in the Sala da Lareira, to 19 hours. The Group, … Read more

Steve Vai, Hermeto Pascoal, Sérgio Dias and Eloy Casagrande participate in DMX Brasil

Hermeto Pascoal. Photo: Gabriel Quintão.

Event happens 9 to 11 December in digital format DMX - Digital Music Experience presents in December 2020 its 6th edition and in a new format. This year, the event will be online, with free transmission on its official YouTube channel and on the website In the days 9, 10 and 11 of december, big … Read more

Toriba Musical has the special attraction of the week contralto Nathália Serrano

Nathália Serrano, contraldo. Photo: Disclosure.

The special attraction of the Toriba Musical program this week is contralto Nathália Serrano. On Saturday, 12 December, to 19 hours, accompanied by piano by Antonio Luiz Barker, the singer makes a suggestive lyrical program with well-known opera arias. Among them, “What will I do without Eurydice?”, de Orfeo and Euridice, by Gluck; “Raw fate”, from … Read more

Aldir Blanc Festival will have 15 artistic presentations this weekend in Embu das Artes

Aldir Blanc Festival, banner. Disclosure.

Continuing the Aldir Blanc Festival, in the next weekend, days 5 and 6 of december, the Secretariat of Culture of Embu das Artes will hold several free presentations of dance and music, em formato drive-in, in the space next to the Parque do Lago Francisco Rizzo (street Quinhaú, s/nº, Center). There will be fifteen attractions, being eleven … Read more

Francielle de Barros is the Toriba Musical attraction of the week

Francielle de Barros, soprano. Photo: Disclosure.

TORIBA MUSICAL HAS SOPRANO FRANCIELLE DE BARROS AS SPECIAL ATTRACTION OF THE WEEK After the Toriba Musical Festival, that between 23 September and 28 de Novembro had thirty live musical performances at the Hotel Toriba with a public presence - the first in Brazil after the coronavirus pandemic began -, the program … Read more

At ‘46’ in the second half: music about resilience marks the return of singer Ana Lélia to the music scene inside and outside the country

Ana Lélia, featured. Photo: Nath Millen and Creative Outlet / MF Global Press.

Brazilian artist talks about the partnership with American singer Peter Collins and about the challenges of facing a new project in maturity. 46 years old is no easy task. For many professions, starting a new project at this point in life can be as challenging as launching into the unknown. To … Read more

Last week of the Toriba Musical Festival has recitals with string quartet and lyrical singers

Adriana Bernardes, soprano, featured. Photo: Reinaldo Opice.

LAST WEEK OF “FESTIVAL TORIBA MUSICAL” HAS STRING QUARTET, RECITES WITH LYRICS SINGERS AND STILL SINGING GIRLS FROM CAMPOS DO JORDÃO The unprecedented Toriba Musical Festival comes to an end, that from 23 de Setembro held at the Hotel Toriba thirty live musical performances with an audience presence - the first in Brazil … Read more

Last week to enjoy the Festival Raridades, free online event with cinema, rare disease music and arts

Photo from the film “Bombardier Blood”. Photo: Disclosure.

With 36 attractions in 25 day event, ABRAF closes in 25 November the first edition of the festival that sensitizes the public about the rare diseases that affect about 13 millions of Brazilians ABRAF - Brazilian Association of Support to the Family with Pulmonary Hypertension and Related Diseases closes, in 25 from … Read more

Teresa Cristina takes her ‘live’ for Instagram of Canal Futura, on Black Awareness Day

Teresa Cristina, DVD 2019, Theatro Net Rio, featured. Photo: @MarcosHermes.

This Friday, day 20, singer makes artistic occupation with repertoire dedicated to black culture Date will also be marked by 24 hours of special programming on Canal screens, including the debut of two new series, that bring an episode about black genocide and immersion in candomblé The singer Teresa Cristina will occupy the Channel's Instagram … Read more
