Santa Maria Chapel gets Music Biennale III opening Today and new composers competition

Santa Maria Chapel gets Music Biennale III opening Today and new composers competition the Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba opens the presentations of the III Biennial Music Today, International Festival of contemporary music which takes place in Curitiba, estabelecendo um diálogo entre a produção musical brasileira e o que de melhor seRead more

French Alliance presents the Romain Garioud and Fernando Cordella at sala Cecília Meireles

French Alliance presents the Romain Garioud and Fernando Cordella at sala Cecília Meireles the Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro performs, on Friday, 14 August, at 8:0 pm, the classical concert formed by the French cellist Romain Garioud and harpsichordist Fernando Gaucho Cordella, in the Cecilia Meireles Room. O evento faz parte daRead more

Our choir Sing makes presentation only in the chapel Santa Maria

Coral Our Song is unique presentation in the Chapel Santa Maria Coral Our Song presents on Wednesday (12), at 8:0 pm, in the chapel Santa Maria, Renaissance Spanish and Brazilian songs from various periods. "Our Corner" is a cultural project, It offers the community the teaching of vocal technique and the practice of choral. CriadoRead more

Musicians curitibanos do homage to João Nogueira

Musicians curitibanos do homage to João Nogueira the show this Friday (7), in the theater of the Armory, It is dedicated to the compositions of John Nogueira, one of the great names of samba and Brazilian music. A homenagem será feita pelos músicos curitibanos Julião Boêmio e Fábio Silva, que montaram um repertório com os grandes sucessos do compositorRead more

New opportunities of slots at the Conservatory of MUSIC

Conservatory of MUSIC. Photo: Doreen Marques.

New opportunities for jobs in MPB MPB Conservatory The Conservatory offers remaining vacancies in instruments courses, theory and practice of set for the second half of this year. To register you need to access the Conservatory until day 09 August, fill out the form and participate in the selection process. Are … Read more

Thursday is day Cry wheel at the Conservatory of MUSIC

Thursday is Roda de Choro day at the Conservatory of MPB The traditional Roda de Choro returns to the weekly agenda of the Conservatory of MPB in Curitiba. The program brings together informally local artists and the public interested in chorinho with performances every Thursday, from 5 pm, under the command of Jain Bohemian … Read more

Cultural Foundation opens registration for opera singing course

Cultural Foundation opens registration for singing course for the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba opened, This Monday (3), registration for the free course "core of Curitiba's Opera" that will launch day 14 September in Room Scabi at Solar do Barão. As atividades serão orientadas pelo tenor Ivan Paulo Leme de Moraes envolvem técnicaRead more

Band presentation in mining Supplies

Band presentation in mining Supplies the band all Caetanos the world, from Belo Horizonte, é a atração do Teatro do Paiol nesta terça-feira (4), at 8:30 pm. Composta por Julia Branco (voice), Luiz Rocha (guitarras e voz), Thiago Braga (low) e Adriano Goyatá (battery), a banda está lançando seu primeiro álbum, intitulado de “PegaRead more

Future band's attraction in the grand final of battle of the bands sponsored by Globe

The seven finalists of the contest 'I will play in Rio Station', promoted between public schools, If present in the Flying Circus, day 2 August, às 17h O concurso da Globo “Vou tocar no Estação Rio” está em busca de um jovem talento musical entre os alunos das escolas públicas. E para decidir o vencedor – queRead more

American Kathryn Dean makes pocket show at the kiosk of the Globe

Presentation will be the day 22 July, on wednesday, at 7:0 pm Kathryn Dean, the singer of "I Told You So" – Double Jade theme (Anaju Dorigon) and Snake (Felipe Simas), workout-, will perform at the kiosk of the Globe, in Copacabana, This Wednesday (22), at 19h. A norte-americana está no Brasil para gravar cenasRead more
