Luiz Felipe Leprevost show celebrates its musical partnerships

Luiz Felipe Leprevost show celebrates his musical partnerships The singer, poet and composer from Paraná Luiz Felipe Leprevost presents this Thursday (3), at 8:0 pm, in the theater of the Armory, a more lyrical and intimate show, in which he celebrates his musical partnerships. Leprevost is in a new moment of its career and for this show, with … Read more

In national tour, Dani Black makes the Armory show

In national tour, Dani Black does show at Paiol One of the leading names of the new generation of MPB, Dani Black singer-songwriter appears next Sunday (30), at 8:0 pm, in the theater of the Armory. The composer's in Brazil tour to launch his second album, "Deluge", com canções autorais que registram sua identidadeRead more

Female Choir ensemble Camerata performs this Sunday

Ensemble of the Female Choir of the Camerata performs this Sunday The female voices of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba prepare for a special presentation this coming Sunday (30), às 18h30. O concerto que acontece na Capela Santa Maria é o último ensemble dos vocais deste ano e tem o acompanhamento do harpista Hélio Leite eRead more

Electronic music and the rock 90 the Cine Guarani

Electronic music and the rock 90 na programação do Cine Guarani O Cine Guarani, Cultural gate, exibe na sexta-feira (28) uma programação voltada para a música eletrônica e o rock nacional dos anos 1990. On special programming, em virtude do evento Rio Music Conference, o espaço exibe os filmes Theremin: Uma Odisséia Eletrônica (17h), … Read more

Take Ludmilla and globe's in mind for Belford Roxo

Ludmilla. Photo Credit: Rodolfo Viana.

Take Ludmilla and globe's in mind for Belford Roxo Attractions present day 29 August, Saturday, from the funk to the pagoda 7:0 pm, the River Station features in Belford Roxo the successes of Ludmilla and Group All in the mind, on 29 August, Saturday. Os shows acontecem no Marco ZeroRead more

Brethren of the coast makes prerelease show album "Riot"

Brethren of the coast makes prerelease show album "Riot" the Group Curitiba Confraternity of the coast makes this Friday (28), at 8:30 pm, in the theater of the Armory, the pre-release disk show "Mutiny". O grupo produz um som que está longe de qualquer experiência musical habitual. Mixing jazz and other rhythms scholars, a banda exploraRead more

Cultural gate receives Regional meeting South of Rio Music Conference

Cultural gate receives Regional meeting South of Rio Music Conference Clubs, agencies, artists with international projection, entrepreneurs, media and schools of artists: owner of an immense intellectual capital in the market of electronic music, Curitiba recebe mais uma vez o Encontro Regional Sul do Rio Music Conference de 26 to 29 August. A indústria doRead more

Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba makes presentation at Cajuru Baptist Church

Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba makes presentation at Cajuru Baptist Church With a focus on popular music repertoire, the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba is presented throughout the year in various churches of the city. Open to the public, This Friday (21), at 8:0 pm, the concert takes place in Cajuru Baptist Church. A primeira parte do programaRead more

Globe performs first edition of Little Carpenter

Globe carries out the first edition of the Carioca children's Activities Program happen in the day 16 August, Sunday, in M. Park next Sunday, 16 August, will be a day packed with free activities for kids that are walking with the family in M. Park. In the first edition of the Little Carpenter, versão infantil do Programão Carioca –Read more

Janaina Fellini resumes moments of his career in the Armory show

Janaina Fellini resumes moments of his career in the Armory show about to release his second CD, Janaina singer Fellini presents this Saturday (15), at 8:0 pm, in the theater of the Armory. The singer considers the show a crossing between the first and your next job. For the Repertoire, escolheu músicas que fizeram parte doRead more
