Sea of Cultures makes tribute to Gonzaguinha and takes guests to talk about one of the great masters of MPB

Sea of Cultures makes tribute to Gonzaguinha and takes guests to talk about one of the great masters of MPB in the month in which the artist would complete 70 years, Globe project revives another name of brazilian music in the day 17, in Copacabana, a partir das 19h Filho do “rei do baião”, Gonzaguinha desde pequenoRead more

String ensemble of Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba presents Octets this Sunday

String Ensemble of the Curitiba City Chamber Orchestra presents Octets this Sunday With exclusive formation, the Ensemble of Strings of Curitiba Chamber Orchestra performs nop Sunday , às 18h30, unique concert under the sound of violins, violas and cellos. A apresentação na Capela Santa Maria reúne Octetos de JohannRead more

Leandro Léo presents his first album at the Teatro in Madeira Island

Leandro Léo presents his first album at Teatro do Paiol Singer Leandro Léo presents next Friday, at 9:00 pm, the show of his first album "Birth" in the theatre of the Armory. The album was produced by Maria Gadú and Maycon Ananias, is a fervent disk, warm and inviting. Recorded at the legendary Studio "Bandit's Lair" … Read more

Sunday afternoons recalls songs and artists that have marked generations

Sunday afternoons recall songs and artists that have marked generations Dalto opens the second season of the Globo project, in Copacabana, on 13 de setembro O público que gosta de recordar sucessos e cantar músicas que marcaram gerações terá a oportunidade de reencontrar seus artistas preferidos na segunda temporada do Tardes de Domingo. On … Read more

Expo Rock in Rio 30 years

Expo Rock in Rio 30 years the Expo Rock in Rio 30 years, back to Rio de Janeiro next Monday, day 07, in Shopping Rio Design Barra. This is another initiative of the festival in celebration of its three decades of history. A mostra conta com fotos e maquetes dos fatos mais marcantes aoRead more

Offer courses free of regional vocal technique and singing choir

Offer courses free of regional vocal technique and choral the Curitiba Cultural Foundation offers free vocal technique workshops and choral practices, by the project “Our Corner” in the Regional Boqueirão. In this second semester, This initiative will expand to the regional Santa Felicidade, Pinheirinho and Boa Vista, que voltam a oferecer as aulasRead more

Sunday with performances and improvisations of Hoffmann's House dance

Sunday with performances and dance improvisation in Hoffmann House the Casa Hoffmann-Centre for the study of the movement receives next Sunday (6), from 11:0, the Group of artists of a – Center for research in dance of the FAP (Faculty of Arts of Paraná). O grupo ocupa o espaço para apresentar doisRead more

Queen Symphonic Tribute makes social wire Opera concert

Queen Symphonic Tribute makes social wire Opera concert Queen Tribute Band returns to Curitiba this week to present one of the most classical symphonic tribute to Freddie Mercury and his band, in the wire Opera House. On Thursday (day 3), às 19h30, o grupo realiza um ensaio gratuito e aberto à comunidadeRead more

Partnership with restaurant chain extends visibility of curitibanos clips

Partnership with restaurant chain extends visibility of curitibanos clips music copyright Curitiba wins more a push to expand its visibility and becomes an attraction on network TV circuit Madero. Even in August, the clips of musicians and local bands will be displayed in the 55 unidades da cadeia de restaurantes do chefRead more

Funk, Identity and Territory: Sea of Cultures promotes chat about the music genre

Funk, Identity and Territory: Sea of Cultures promotes chat about the music genre Project of the Globe take this Thursday, at 19h, debate with DJ Malboro, Mateus Aragão e Mc Leonardo ao Quiosque da Globo Movimento originário das periferias e favelas cariocas, funk is the theme of the next Sea of ​​Cultures, day 3 September, Thursday, … Read more
