Sesc Pinheiros receives Ceumar with the Show "Mute"

Mining singer-songwriter returns to Teatro Paulo Autran, stage of Discus 27 September SESC Pinheiros receives Ceumar to show "Mute", his sixth album. The directory gathers songs marked by dynamic between sound and silence, with a sound at the same time lyrical and popular. The presentation only occurs day 27 … Read more

Wale conductor Cross governs Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba

The conductor and violinist Claudio Cruz will be the conductor of the Chamber Orchestra of Curitiba at the concert which takes place next Friday (25), at 8:00 pm and Saturday (26), at 6:30 pm in the chapel Santa Maria. Also participates in the formation of these presentations, Guest cellist, Estela Maria Fernandes de Castro. The program is marked by Brazilian composers, … Read more

Sesc Pinheiros receives Paula Lima for the release of the EP "Samba Soul"

São Paulo singer presents its new project and shows the strength of the Brazilian swing 26 in September the Sesc Pinheiros receives the day 26 September (Saturday), at 9:00 pm, the singer Paula Lima, for the release of the EP "Samba Soul", produced by Rio musician Pretinho da Serrinha, with four unreleased tracks. O show acontece no palcoRead more

Culture on the street: BNegão led show 5 a thousand people to Mouth Fucking

Last Saturday (19) the fucking mouth was the scene of the sixth edition of the project “Culture on the street”, It takes free performances for city streets. This time the show was on account of BNegão & Frequency selectors, they released their third album, Transmutation, and featured tracks such as "in the Dawn", “Fita Amarela” e “NoRead more

The Beatles, The greatest Hits and videos together for the first time

New edition of The Beatles 1 with movies and promotional videos restored and mixes with brand new stereo surround sound. Many of the films and videos have never been released commercially in full. After the Beatles stopped touring – and because travel around the world to deliver new releases was impossible -, the band decided to, … Read more

Japanese pianist Junko Ueno presents itself in the chapel Santa Maria

The Consulate General of Japan in Curitiba, in partnership with the Japan Foundation and the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, performs the piano concerto of the Japanese artist Junko Ueno, featuring members of the Orchestra of the school of music and fine arts of Paraná – Embap, under the baton of Maestro Paulo Barreto, next Tuesday … Read more

Founders of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba return to group headquarters

Historical week for the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba. In The Chapel Santa Maria, the group will have the presence of its founders to distinct events. The carioca Roberto de Regina, Conductor Emeritus of the Group, será responsável pela regência do Coro da Camerata nos concertos que acontecem às 20h de sexta-feira (18) and at 6:30 pm on Saturday (19), … Read more

Globe supports mobilization against religious intolerance

During the weekend of the 8th Hike in defense of religious freedom, the Globe, which supports the event, contributes to the mobilization and proposes reflection around the theme 18 September, Friday, às 19h uma edição especial do ‘Mar de Culturas’ – projeto da Globo que reúne especialistas para discussões deRead more

Paranambuco presents “Orun Aye” in the theater of the Armory

The theatre of the Armory receives next Sunday, at 8:0 pm, the discus show “Orun Aye” Paranambuco group. The new work is a record of copyright songs with influences from coco, Samba, Baião, maracatu, xote and ijexá, Toru, barravento, pulled network, gout, among other Brazilian rhythms popular. A gravação doRead more

Globe takes Arlindo Cruz and Mano to sing together in the eighth Hike in defense of religious freedom

With support from the network, meeting will take place this Sunday, in Copacabana, next Sunday, day 20, the Globe will lead singers Arlindo Cruz and Mano for the closing show of the 8th Hike in defense of religious freedom in Copacabana. Organizado pela Comissão de Combate à Intolerância Religiosa (CCIR), a iniciativa tem como objetivo promoverRead more
