Camerata Antiqua performs at Long Field on Friday

The Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba promotes, This Friday (06), more a presentation of the Camerata Project in churches. With a repertoire focused on popular classical music and open to the public, the group presents, at 8:0 pm, Our Lady of Lourdes parish, at Camp Long. The first part of the program provides Brazilian works of Ernani Aguiar, … Read more

Curitiba Music Workshop extends registration to 90 courses

Registration for the 34th Curitiba Music Workshop have been extended for the day 15 November. A Bureau of happens 7 to 27 January 2016, still has 90 courses with job openings in the areas of classical music, old, música popular, technological and in the city's Regional. Entries must … Read more

Project 'Pan Music' brings eclectic attractions in November

Shows will be held on Sundays at SESC Sorocaba The "Pan Music", that brings to the public musical performances accompanying the special menu of comedoria SESC Sorocaba Sunday, bring five styles of shows ranging from the root samba to blues. All presentations will be held at 13h, na área deRead more

Concert with hits from Etta James closes the Philos in + Globosat

Saturday, 31 October, 16.30 Closing the month of programming, on 31, the program displays the concert "Etta James and The Roots Band at Montreux", an Assembly with the biggest hits of the singer Etta James, and also the "Infra", show created for the Royal Ballet. Saturday, at 4:30 pm 31/10 – “Etta James e TheRead more

Cultural current have Opera, mood, Battle of rhymes and ballroom dancing

For all styles and preferences the Current Cultural programming, What happens between 3 and 8 November, goes far beyond the great shows scheduled for the stages of Mouth Fucking, San Francisco ruins and Spain Square. For this year, a Fundação Cultural de Curitiba em parceria com produtores daRead more

Solar do Barão receives core classes of Curitiba

Classes at the Curitiba Opera Center will help Juliana de Lara Silveira, member of the rock band “Fearless Women”, to present an even more exciting show. The rocker is a student of the course and uses the newly acquired singing techniques in her compositions. Since September, the Scabi Room at Solar do Barão receives weekly … Read more

Singer Rio presents show with Gal Costa songs

The Gaucho singer Alexandra Sanchez performs the show to launch its fourth CD "Rediscovering Gal". In joint work with pianist and record producer Sergio Justen, Alexandra presents a tribute to Gal Costa. The singer makes three appearances in Curitiba – from Wednesday to Friday (28 to 30), at 8:0 pm, in the theater of the Armory. … Read more

Music and core technology is nothing new in the music workshop of Curitiba

In line with the new forms of music production, the Curitiba music workshop comes your 34th Edition in 2016, with a great new feature for participants. In addition to the classes with teachers have enshrined in national and international scenarios, students will have a new core of study, Music and technology. created by … Read more

Globe leads to fans of blues free presentations in Copacabana

Special Edition of the sound of the city takes place between 28 October and November 1st Copacabana will be packed by the blues between the days 28 de outubro e 1º de novembro durante a edição especial do Som da Cidade – projeto de música instrumental da Globo que dá visibilidade aos artistas que fazem a trilha sonora doRead more

Choir of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba invites wind-based Orchestra

The Orchestra À Base de Sopro and the Camerata Antiqua Choir from Curitiba will be together on the same stage, This weekend, in Curitiba. The concerts, that happen friday (23), at 8:0 pm, it is Saturday (24), às 18h30, in the chapel Santa Maria, trazem músicas escritas especialmente para os grupos e arranjos que se destacam pelaRead more
