Sidail Caesar throws the heart at the Teatro do Batuque Armory

The theatre of the Armory receives on Friday (27) and on Saturday (28), at 8:0 pm, the CD release show "on Heart Beat" of the musician and composer Sidail Caesar, with Roberto Prado lyrics. The presentations will have the participation of Carlos Careqa, Eliane Bah, Cida Airam, Oswaldo Rios, Melina Mulazani, Sérgio Justen, Walmor Góes, … Read more

Sea of Cultures receives the sambista Diogo Nogueira to homage to João Nogueira

GISA and Didu Nogueira, Moacyr Luz and Ricardo Cravo Albin will also participate in the musical meeting that takes place on the day 26 November, at 19h, at the Globo kiosk The remarkable sambas and the musical career of João Nogueira, one of the great singers and songwriters in the country, serão relembrados no Mar de Culturas – Música –Read more

Pélico launches third album with show at the theatre in Madeira Island

One of the most celebrated musicians of the current generation of Brazilian music, the paulista Pélico singer-songwriter returns to Curitiba to display your show next Saturday (21), at 8:0 pm. On the stage of the theater of the Armory, He presents the show of release of their third album, “Euphoria”. Accompanied by Jesus Sanches (low), Regis Dallas (Guitar), … Read more

Samba Luzia receives Aline Calixto this Friday

The singer revelation of samba launches its album ' My Ziriguidum ' , in roda de samba, in Rio de Janeiro this Friday, day 20/11, who will command the Samba Luzia and let him even more special is to Aline Calixto. Singer/songwriter, owner of one of the most beautiful voices of the new generation of samba, desembarcaRead more

Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba makes last year's presentations

The chapel Santa Maria Cultural Space receives, This weekend, the last concert of the season 2015 the Chamber Orchestra of Curitiba. The musical direction will be will be the violinist Wiston Ramalho, Alexandre Razera as soloist (Viola), both members of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba. As apresentações têm patrocínio da Volvo e acontecem àsRead more

MPB Conservatory opens registration for 25 courses

Conservatory of MUSIC. Photo Credit: Doreen Marques.

The Brazilian Conservatory of music opens, This Monday (16), registration for 25 regular courses of the first semester of 2016. Are about 250 vacancies offered to beginners and advanced stage. Entries can be made until day 29 November, through the Conservatory website and filling out the registration process form … Read more

Dolores Duran will be honored in Max show Robert and Lee Porena

Presentation will be held at the teatro do Sesc Sorocaba Dolores Duran fans will have a great opportunity to go to the Sesc Sorocaba: the reason is a show in tribute to her the day 14 November, Saturday, at 8:0 pm, at the theatre. The presentation, entitled "because of you", will be played and sung by Max Robert … Read more

French Alliance presents the Festival of French song, Award Winner with A week in Paris

The grand finale of the Festival of French song 2015 will be held on the day 10 November, in the theater Maison de France. Admission is free Seven candidates from all over Brazil compete for the grand final of the French Song Festival, on Tuesday, day 10, to 19 h, in the theater Maison de France, no Centro doRead more

Music therapy for the elderly is the subject of activity at Sesc Sorocaba

Benefícios da música incluem alívio ao estresse e melhoria na qualidade de vida A musicoterapia será tema de uma série de encontros destinados a pessoas com mais de 60 years at Sesc Sorocaba during the days 6, 13 and 27 November, Fridays, at 3:30 pm, the hall 1. The participation is free, exigindo somente queRead more

In Xerém, Wanderley Cardoso makes free show for Sunday afternoons

Design of the Globe will present successes of the artist on the day 8 de novembro “O Bom Rapaz”, song of 1968 and also last name of singer Wanderley Cardoso, will be remembered along with other classics of the artist on the Sunday afternoon of the day 8 November. Mantiquira square, in Xerém, o público vai curtir aindaRead more
