Sidney Magal recalls career successes on Sunday afternoons

Globo ends the second season of the project and takes to the Itaboraí stage the artist who released hits such as “Meu Sangue Ferve por Você” and “Sandra Rosa Madalena” Incorporating elements of gypsy songs, the disco music and popular music, Sidney Magal was revelation in the 70 e causou furor entre as fãs com oRead more

Opera Illustrated Series presents Marc ’ Antonio and Cleopatra in the chapel Santa Maria

The chapel Santa Maria receives this weekend, Friday (04) it is Saturday (05) at 8:0 pm, more a spectacle of Opera Series Illustrated, the staging of Marc'Antonio e Cleopatra. The Serenade by Johann Adolph Hasse (1699-1783), has the musical direction of violinist Rudolf Richter and scenographic direction of actor, diretor e cenógrafo italiano RobertoRead more

SpokFrevo Orquestra launches album on tour at Sesc

In his third Studio album, "Big band" jazz-frevo reaches Sorocaba in single presentation. The Sesc Sorocaba proudly opens the doors of his gym to receive on the day 4 of december, at 8:0 pm, the SpokFrevo Orquestra. Known internationally by the mixture of jazz with the frevo, a Big Band de Pernambuco chega a SorocabaRead more

Show choir Voices of Angola in the theater of Curitiba

The choir Voices of Angola originated in 2001 and, today, consists of 10 Angolan University students, all visually impaired, which use music to communicate with the world. Refugees from the civil war that ravaged their country for more than three decades, vieram ao Brasil em busca de melhores condições de vidaRead more

National day of Samba in Copacabana with Tomas Martinez and Nelson Sargento

The Samba national day is celebrated on the day 2 and to celebrate this date so special, the musician Tomas Miranda – revelation of new generation of samba, will perform at the Sala Baden Powell, in Copacabana. The show of their first album “The sambas that tell me ", account with songs like “Papa Shango”, “Street Carnival”, … Read more

Project tapers has performances at the Conservatory of MUSIC and Theater in Madeira Island

In the next few weeks, between days 28 November to 14 of december, the Conservatory of MUSIC performs the tapers, traditional project that brings together performances of students towards the end of the semester. With free admission, the concerts will be held in the Auditorium Nhô Belarmino's own Conservatory and at the Teatro in Madeira Island. As apresentações pretendem mostrar oRead more

Students of the project Our Corner in the shrine of our Lady of Mount Carmel

Choristers of the project Our Corner make concert this Sunday, at 3:0 pm, in the shrine of our Lady of Mount Carmel. The presentation gathers 220 students of the regional administrations Santa Felicidade, Boqueirão, Cajuru, Boa Vista and Pinheirinho under the Regency of his teachers, members of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba and guidance of Mara Fields. O Programa contaRead more

River station promotes free shows of country duo Joao Bosco and Vinicius and the sambista Rust

Globe project comes to Itaguaí in the day 28 November, Saturday, no Parque de Eventos do munícipio Os fãs do sertanejo de João Bosco e Vinicius e do samba do cantor Ferrugem poderão aproveitar os shows gratuitos dos artistas no Estação Rio do dia 28 November, Saturday. With live broadcast of Gshow … Read more

Curitibanos may attend the show free Blitz Quarry

Curitibanos may attend free of charge to the musical shows the event "Rolling Stone Music + Run "that happens this Saturday (28), in the Pedreira Paulo Leminski. On the schedule are provided for presentations of the band Warriors, Rogério Cordoni & Orchestra of the PM (Tribute to Elvis Presley) and the Blitz, showing their big hits. Para assistir aos shows sem pagarRead more

Coral Brasileirinho celebrates birthday with "party"

The Coral Brasileirinho celebrates this weekend (days 27, 28 and 29), in the Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer Museum Poty Lazzarotto, 22 years of experience and his 200th show with the show "party". In this scenic-musical representation called "party", with stage direction by Milton Karam and musical direction of Helena Bel, the 26 Members … Read more
