Piano in focus in the chapel Santa Maria

Curitiba gets the week of 8 to 12 March 11th of Piano Professor. Edna Bassetti Habith with all programming at the piano. In honor of international women's day, the opening is scheduled for 4th fair, day 8 March, to 20 hours, conta com a participação de Danieli Longo para apresentação únicaRead more

Curitiba hosts International Piano competition

Registration for the day 20 February. In its 11th edition the Piano Competition Prof. Edna Bassetti Habith receive in Curitiba, in the days 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 March, pianists students from Brazil and the Southern Cone countries for a season assessments and recitals in the Chapel Santa Maria. In this … Read more

Christmas concert under the baton of Claudio Cruz ends the year of Camerata Antiqua

The closing concert of the season 2016 spectacles of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba, sponsored by the Ministry of culture and by Volvo, happens this weekend, under the baton of renowned violinist Claudio Cruz and participation of soprano, Carla Cottini. Titled ' Joy to the World ', the presentations included in Christmas celebrations, will be … Read more

Redeemer community celebrates 150 years with the Camerata concert

The last performance of this year's "Concert in the churches", the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba, happens this Friday (2), at 8:0 pm, in the Church of the Redeemer. The concert, open to the public, is part of the celebrations of 150 years of the Redeemer's Lutheran Community. The Regency is Alexandre Razera. With this concert, a Camerata soma dezRead more

Wind-based Orchestra is attraction of Pixinguinha Project in the square

This Saturday (26), at noon, It's the last show of the year Pixinguinha project in the square, with the wind-based Orchestra. Directed by maestro Sergio Albach, the group brings new arrangements with the main achievements of Pixinguinha. Will be performed 13 works from the Repertoire of crying, maxixes, polkas, waltzes, entre outros gêneros que foramRead more

Music workshop continues with registration open until 20 November

Completing two weeks with registration open, the 35th music workshop of Curitiba has already 450 enrolled students, such as 81 foreigners. Thirteen are courses with vacancies exhausted. Promoted by the city of Curitiba, through the Cultural Foundation and the Curitiba Institute for art and culture (ICAC), the workshop will be held from 7 … Read more

Curitiba pianist Renata Bittencourt performs recitals in Brazil tour

Residing in Paris and in several countries of Europe, the pianist Renata Bandyopadhyay, Returns to Brazil for a tour that favors national composers. The recital "Brazilian Concerts", that will be presented at the Chapel Santa Maria, Tuesday, 1st of November at 8:00 pm, brings together parts of renowned composers: Chiquinha Gonzaga, Brasílio Itiberê, Ernesto Nazareth, … Read more

The childhood of Heitor Villa Lobos in the Orchestra show based on Rope and Guga Chauhan

This month the Orchestra makes Rope-based shows in celebration of children's day with the artist and musician Guga Chauhan and conducting of John Egashira. The show ' Villa Brazil ' tells the story of Heitor Villa Lobos as a child and provides a cross-country trip in the ' little train ' Hick of the composer. A apresentação seráRead more

Our Lady of Lourdes parish receives concert Camerata Antiqua

The sanctuary of Santa Rita de Cássia, in the neighborhood Hauer, receives the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba on Thursday (day 1), to 20 hours, for concert open to the public. The presentation of classical works of various periods. will be performed by the group under the direction of principal and assayer, Alexandre Razera. O repertório desse concerto tambémRead more

Camerata Antiqua makes presentations at hospitals this Tuesday and Wednesday

The Orchestra and chorus of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba are held between 23 and 24, free presentations and open to the general public, at the Hospital das Clinicas, Santa Cruz, Little Prince and the University Hospital Cajuru. O espetáculo dedicado aos pacientes e profissionais dos hospitais conta com um repertório de obras clássicasRead more
