Organ restored the Church Bom Jesus is played in concert Camerata choir

Organ almost centenary of the Church Bom Jesus dos Perdões, on Praça Rui Barbosa. Photo: Disclosure.

After restored, the organ almost centenary of the Church Bom Jesus dos Perdões, on Praça Rui Barbosa, back to be played during a recital of the choir of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba, This Friday (4), at 8:0 pm. O órgão foi recuperado pelo frei franciscano Lauro Both e por alunos do curso de Luteria da Universidade FederalRead more

Wind-based Orchestra writes songs of Guinga in the chapel Santa Maria

Wind-based Orchestra of Curitiba. Photo: Marcos Sushil.

The wind-based Orchestra of Curitiba will have the singer Shreya Padovani as guest of Sao Paulo show "Passarinhadeira", This Friday and Saturday (28 and 29), in the chapel Santa Maria. With repertoire entirely dedicated to the songs of composer Guinga, the performances will be the basis for the new CD of the Orchestra, sétimo trabalho fonográfico da carreiraRead more

MPB Conservatory reopens registration for remaining vacancies

Conservatory of MUSIC. Photo Credit: Doreen Marques.

The Popular Brazilian music Conservatory reopens only in days 25 and 26 July registration for remaining vacancies for 21 regular courses of half-yearly periodicity, between instruments, theoretical and practical disciplines of set. There are openings for the following instruments courses: accordion, electric bass, mandolin, Preparatory battery, ukulele, recorder, transverse flute, … Read more

Camerata travels to performances in festivals

Choir of the Camerata de Curitiba. Photo: Doreen Marques.

The choir and the Orchestra of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba travel this week for appearances in Winter festivals of Antonina and Campos do Jordão. The Camerata choir performs on Wednesday (19), at 8:0 pm, in the historic São Benedito Church, in Antonina, within the programming of the 27th Winter Festival of UFPR. The … Read more

Composers curitibanos earn honor-based String Orchestra

Rope-based Orchestra of Curitiba with Regency of John Egashira. Photo: Doreen Marques.

The Rope-based Orchestra presents repertoire composed of works of composers linked to the music scene of Curitiba, This Friday (07) it is Saturday (08), in the chapel Santa Maria. The first generations of composers are represented by authors such as Benedict Mossurunga, Benedict Nicholas dos Santos and José da Cruz. More recent generations, works of … Read more

Carpenter Abel Luiz heats up the wheel of Cry on Thursday

Abel Luiz (featured). Photo: Mauricio Maia.

The carioca musician Abel Luiz is the guest of the wheel of Cry of the Conservatory of MUSIC, This Thursday (6), às 17h. Alongside the hosts Jain Bohemian and Lucas Manu, Abel presents his own compositions and classic of several times of Brazilian chorinho. Admission is free. Abel Luiz serves on the music scene as a composer, arranger, … Read more

Italian groups enliven the Ethnic Flag

Group Folklorístico Garden D'amuri. Photo: Doreen Marques.

Two Italian folk groups are the attractions of the next Sunday (2), in the Ethnic Flag program, that happens in Curitiba Memorial, from 11:0. The Gruppo Folklorístico Giardino D ' Amuri, the Santa Felicidade campus, make a presentation and brings guest Danc'Itali group, of Thirty Brook (SC). Várias regiões da Itália estão representadas nas dançasRead more

Camerata choir performs at St. Joseph Church in Santa Felicidade

Camerata choir performs at St. Joseph Church in Santa Felicidade. Photo: Doreen Marques.

St. Joseph parish in Santa Felicidade receives this week the Concert project in churches, the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba. On Thursday (29), at 8:0 pm, the choir will present works by Osvaldo Lacerda, Mozart Camargo Guarnieri, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Georg Friedrich Händel and Tom Jobim. The Regency is the conductor and artistic director of the Group, MaraRead more

Apprentice presents major works of BRAZILIAN POPULAR MUSIC in the room Leila Diniz

Regional Apprentice Group (featured). Photo Alline Ourique.

Songs of names like Tom Jobim, Tim Maia and Dudley will play in another edition of the Concerts in the press this month of June, the presentation of the Apprentice Program at Culture room Leila Diniz is the Regional Group Apprentice. Formed by young musicians, set in the day 28, at 12:30, leading … Read more

Open registration for courses at the Conservatory of MUSIC

Conservatory of MUSIC. Photo: Doreen Marques.

Registrations are now open for the 2nd semester courses 2017 at the Conservatory of Brazilian Popular Music. Are 27 regular courses of half-yearly periodicity, divided between instruments, corner, theoretical and practical disciplines of set. Entries must be made until the day 30 de junho pelo site O Conservatório de MPB oferece cursos deRead more
