Fair in orange trees brings together art exhibition, music and gastronomy

Riko Van Zyl. Photo: Thaiane Five.

Music, cooking, art exhibition, crafts and photography are the attractions of Kreator art fair, What happens on the day 09 September (Saturday), in Orange. Starting at 4:00 pm, the event brings a weather stripped, with soundtrack provided by DJ Val Becker. Among the musical attractions, Riko Van Zyl, Dalton Ximenes e a apresentaçãoRead more

Experimental jazz quartet takes the stage of the Audio Rebel

Thiago Ferté. Photo: Disclosure.

The South zone of Rio de Janeiro, the Audio Rebel receives in 08 September (Friday), at 8:0 pm, one more night jazz with presentation of the Quartet Rutigliano, Ferté, Ch & Barrozo. At the concert, the band brings experimental repertoire with striking compositions as "Impressions" by John Coltrane, and "Everything Happens to Me", de Tom AdairRead more

Choir of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba makes concert in tribute to 500 years of the Protestant Reformation

Choir of the Camerata de Curitiba. Photo: Doreen Marques.

The choir of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba celebrates 500 years of the Protestant Reformation with a historic concert, This Friday (1/9), at 8:0 pm, it is Saturday (2/9), às 18h30. The phrase "peace, If possible, but the truth, at any price ", of Martin Luther (1483-1546), dá título ao programa que é reforçado nas obras executadas peloRead more

Paróquia São Francisco de Paula receives the camera Orchestra of the city of Curitiba

Curitiba City Chamber Orchestra. Photo: Gilson Camargo.

Another edition of the project "Concert in the churches" of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba happens this Thursday (31), at 8:0 pm, the parish St. Francis of Paula, the neighborhood We. In this presentation, classic works of various periods will be performed by the Orchestra of Camera of the city of Curitiba, the Group Camerata, sob a regência e direção musical do spallaRead more

Guilherme Arantes celebrates 40 years of career in Curitiba

Guilherme Arantes. Photo: Paulo Avelino.

Show will take place at the stage of the Opera de Arame. Tickets are on sale from $60 Guilherme Arantes has significant presence in various stages of our music. Winner of the prize Multishow 2013 in the category of best album with "human condition", the artist celebrates in style 40 year career, with unreleased concert on the stage of … Read more

Chapel Santa Maria features singing and piano recital with Colombian musicians

Betty Garcés. Photo: Disclosure.

The lyrical singer Betty Garcés and pianist Alejandro Roca, of Colombia, We present next Tuesday (29), at 8:0 pm, in the chapel Santa Maria Cultural Space. With a recital which covers many styles and eras, the musicians show the prestige of Colombian music on the international scene. The presentation is a promotion of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, … Read more

Chamber Orchestra presents finalists of the National Music Composition Contest Today

Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba. Photo: Gilson Camargo.

The Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba closed the presentations of the IV Biennial Music Today, International Festival of contemporary music which takes place in Curitiba, establishing a dialogue between the brazilian and the musical production that has been created in the world, in this area. The concerts take place in the chapel Santa Maria, the Friday 8:0 pm (25) … Read more

Curitiba Cultural Foundation Launches notices for shows at the Armory

Paiol theater. Photo: Lucilia Guimarães.

The Cultural Foundation of Curitiba publishes on Tuesday (22/8) the edict Musical Supplies (nº 42/2017), which selects projects for realization of shows at the Teatro in Madeira Island. Will be destined for the value of up to R$ 162.000,00 (real 162,000) to contemplate 18 projects worth up to R$ 9.000,00 (real 9000) … Read more

The Camerata string ensemble presents works by Brahms

The Camerata string ensemble presents works by Brahms. Photo: Doreen Marques.

Works by Johannes Brahms are the Ensemble of Strings of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba, This Saturday (19), às 18h30, in one presentation, in the chapel Santa Maria. With the musical direction of Winston Ramalho and the pianist Luis Guilherme Pozzi, serão executadas as obras “Sonata para violino e piano nº 3” eRead more

Fourth Edition of CompartilhArte happens at the maracana

Gus & VIC (Aldebaran) in CompartilhArte. Photo: Disclosure.

To the sound of Gus & VIC, event brings together the best fashion, art and food after the success of the last edition, the CompartilhArte has new data to happen. In 12 August (Saturday), from 15h, the cariocas will find a host of talented artists in one place, expondo a arte em umRead more
