Lyra band celebrates 37 years with tribute to Pixinguinha

Open to the public, show will take place in the auditorium of Santa Maria Chapel and guests will cheer Known for events of municipal administration, Banda Lyra Curitiba is completing 37 year career. To commemorate the date, the musical group will make a concert open to the public next Wednesday (31/7), at 8:0 pm, in the chapel Santa Maria. The … Read more

Community Samba da Vela celebrates 19 years with a special presentation that brings Osvaldinho of Cuíca and honor of Beth Carvalho

Date is celebrated on 22 July in the House of Santo Amaro Culture All Mondays, Samba Community Sailing promotes, in Santo Amaro House of Culture, its traditional samba. Founded by Chapinha, flirting, Magno de Souza and Maurilio de Oliveira, the date, que dá voz a novosRead more

Hues band brings the best of soul music to show at Paiol

Show "loud and Soul" promises much swing and pace in two hours tints presentation is the name of the Curitiba group soul that rises to the Paiol Theater stage on Saturday (6/7). With a swing and rhythm stuffed repertoire, o espetáculo musical “Em alto e bom soul” acontece àsRead more

Camerata celebrates with display Dixit Dominus on TV and recording the first DVD

Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba A is celebrating this weekend. The group celebrates 45th anniversary with performances in the Chapel Santa Maria, Friday (5/7) it is Saturday (6/7), and a large free concert at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, on Sunday (7/7), live broadcast by TV Evangelizing. A obra The Lord, … Read more

Registration open for regular courses MPB Conservatory

Conservatory of MUSIC. Photo Credit: Doreen Marques.

Are open, until 27 of June, Registration for regular courses of Brazilian Popular Music Conservatory starting in the second half of 2019. They are being offered 27 instruments courses, corner, musical theory, set of practices and unique courses for children. Entries must be made exclusively by the Brazilian Popular Music Conservatory sites ( … Read more

Orchestras Guerra Peixe and Interculturalidades in Concert Series in the News

For the second time playing together on Leila Diniz Culture Room, the Guerra-Peixe and Interculturalidades orchestras, formed by young musicians Apprentice Program | Music school, They present on 26 of June, at 12:30, in another edition of the series "Concerts in the press", that take place every last Wednesday of the month. A Orquestra Guerra-PeixeRead more

the Camerata Antiqua Choir dedicated sacred pieces from Mozart to Mother's Day

The Curitiba's Camerata Antiqua Choir dedicated to mothers the concert will Friday (10/5), at 8:0 pm, it is Saturday (11/5), às 18h30, in the chapel Santa Maria Cultural Space. Intitulado child prodigy Mozart (Mozart, the ingenious child), the show features four pieces of Austrian composer that is exalted figure of the Virgin Mary. The … Read more

Fair music business encourages setting for artists and trends points

The International Fair of South Music, reaching the third edition, It is open to agents of all Brazilian states and Latin America. The new forms of negotiating cultural products are increasingly made possible rapprochement between artists and buyers from around the world. In some sectors, é nítido observar o crescimento rentávelRead more

Baroque Music Cycle in French Botafogo Alliance, days 26 and 27 April with free admission!

Baroque Music Series in the auditorium of the French Alliance Botafogo, days 26 and 27 April presents concert with the participation of soloists of the Baroque Orchestra of UniRio (BOTH): Patricia Michelini, Roger Gomes, Luan Ribeiro Braga, Nichola Viggiano, Lucas Bracher, Rosanna Lanzelotte, under the artistic direction of soloist and flutist Laura Ronai. A programação contaRead more

Rapper Keith B Angola performs at the Cultural Center Olido

Show takes place on 18 and mix African and Brazilian rhythms Show will be held at 19h The rapper and cultural producer Keith B Angola leads to Showcase Dance, at the Cultural Center Olido, his show "Night of African Music". With unique presentation on 18 April, at 8:0 pm, o repertório reúne canções produzidas emRead more
