Museum of sacred art displays in Nativity scenes “Hope”

State Government of São Paulo, Secretariat of culture, Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo invited to opening of the exhibition of religious art Museum of São Paulo, establishment of the Secretariat of culture of the State, invites you to the opening of “Hope“, sob curadoria de Sergio Zobaran e com participação de 25 guests, among journalists, arquitetos eRead more

Practical Course: Conservation and restoration of Painting On Easel

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes practical course: Conservation and Restoration of Easel Painting Methodology: The didactics of NAR-Arts core, Conservation and restoration, is the presentation of expository lectures, with Power Point presentations and practical lessons. O conteúdo engloba e aborda os procedimentos adotados no restauro de pinturas sobreRead more

Assembly workshop of cribs with natural scenery

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes Assembly workshop of cribs with natural elements with the Prof. Odete Maria Pinto Ferreira. The workshop will address theoretical and practical contents for residential cribs. Theoretical content: oral exposure of 45 minutes, com utilização de slides abordando a história do presépio e oRead more

Free Course: “Modern Art: Figuration and Abstraction” No MAS

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course on the topic “MODERN ART: FIGURATION AND ABSTRACTION” Vanessa Beatriz Bortulucce OBJECTIVE the course has as objective to present an overview of the aesthetics of modern art call, Since your Genesis, in the late 19th century, until the end of World War II. The … Read more

Relic: Transcendence of the body

7 October (Saturday) the 11:00 Shrines, parts, medals, prints and other objects tell the story of the Western world the sacred art museum of São Paulo – BUT/SP, establishment of the Secretariat of culture of the State, Displays “Relic: Transcendence of the body“, com curadoria de Ario Borges Nunes Junior e Beatriz Vicente de Azevedo. The exhibition … Read more

Free Course: Everyday life in the middle ages spaces between God and man

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course on the topic “Everyday life in the middle ages, spaces between God and man” with Prof.. Dr. Jose Luis Landeira. TEACHER PROF.. DR. JOSÉ LUÍS LANDEIRA é professor do Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo, formado em Línguas e Literaturas NeolatinasRead more

Practical Course: Introduction to conservation and preservation of photographs

Workshop on introduction to conservation and preservation of photographs in BUT. Disclosure.

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes workshop on introduction to conservation and preservation of photographs, with the Prof. Marli Marcondes. The proposal of the workshop is to train professionals working in the area of documentation, as archivists, Librarians, museologists, Conservatives and those interested in General, no desenvolvimento de ações e práticas de Conservação e PreservaçãoRead more

BUT promotes free course on “The contagious power of faith in JESUS CHRIST”

MAS promove Curso Livre sobre "O poder contagiante da FÉ em JESUS CRISTO". Disclosure.

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes free course on the topic “The contagious power of faith in JESUS CHRIST, martyred and propagated by the Western Roman Empire and the East” com Father Dimitrios Attarian of the Antiochian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral. EXHIBITION “Easter of the Union” curated by Eleonora Maria Fincato Fleury. PROGRAM First … Read more

Free Course: History of Russian art

Free Course: History of Russian art (featured). Disclosure.

The Russian art-here, understood in its architectural manifestations, pictorial and sculptural-has a complex history: on the other hand, is the art of well known icons, of religious devotion, the great responsible for building imagery of Eastern Christianity. On the other hand, também foi um dos territórios mais importantes para o surgimento da arteRead more

BUT promotes grid of Lectures: Introduction to French painting through the collection of MASP

Renoir-pink and blue: the girls Cahen d Anvers ’, São Paulo, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, 1881. Featured.

The sacred art museum promotes a grid of lectures with Professor. Renato Brolezzi who will give an introduction to French painting of the second half of the 19th century through the Collection of Masp, studying the practices and reflections which form the poetic complexity roughly defined as impressionists, no intuito de se dissolverRead more
