Free Course: Existentialist literature and Philosophy

The Sacred Art Museum promotes free course with Prof.. Dr. Neide Rabbit Bangura on the topic “Existentialist literature and Philosophy”. The main objective of this work is not only to bring to the attention of this audience the works of these authors, mas principalmente despertar nestes uma sensibilidade mais aguçada para a percepção daqueles que vivenciaram este momentoRead more

Free Course: The architecture like painting support

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “The architecture like painting support” with the Prof. Silvana Borges: Architect, conservative and cultural heritage Restorer. The course addresses the artistic expressions that need architecture as a support: to wall painting, tile, mosaico, among others; traçando um panorama desde a arte rupestreRead more

The arts and crafts fair BUT/SP

The Museum of sacred art promotes Edition 2017 Arts and crafts fair, whose goal is to support students and partners who develop and make crafts to the public, who attends the Museum and its activities, meet the artisans. The fair has a wide range of products, de diversos segmentos, incluindo Food Trucks comRead more

Course of conservation and restoration of Painting on Easel

THE NAR – Arts core, Conservation and restoration, em parceria com o Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo, promotes a course of conservation and restoration of Painting on Easel. Classes will begin on the day 04 March, being practical classes on Saturdays and Sundays lectures. Serão realizadas no primeiro finalRead more

Free course Christianity under construction: Worship and architecture

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “Christianity under construction: Worship and architecture”, with Professor. Dr. Jack Barnett. The goal of the course is to present the relationship between worship and architecture within the Christianity and, in a special way, as this relationship has settled over the centuries. … Read more

Course Sculpture 2017

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes new edition of Sculpture course with master Wandecok Chandra. The goal of the course is to provide all construction development of Baroque sculptures in clay – ceramic. O conteúdo programático e o processo com manuseio do material no período habilitará o mesmo a ser umRead more

Summer school 2017 – Jesus: God the verb image of man

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes new edition of summer school, that this year will address the topic “Jesus: God the verb image of man” and will have the Faculty reference names in question in Brazil imagery: Prof. Dr. Claudio Pastro, Prof. Dr. Jack Barnett, Prof. Dr. Marcelo James, … Read more

BUT promotes an on-site Class: Visit to the temple Zu Lai

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a class in loco for the Zu Lai Temple (Fo Guang Shan Buddhist monastery), with Professor. Dr. Jorge Lúzio. Located 30 km from São Paulo, in the municipality of Cotia, the Zu Lai Temple, integrating the monastery Buddhist order Fo Guang Shan Chinese, … Read more

Free Course: The Catholic Church sculpture baiana

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course on “The Catholic Church sculpture baiana”, with the Prof. Claudia Guanais. The course objective is to promote the polychromy of sacred sculpture Bahian Catholic, showing the various repertories used by artists throughout the centuries XVIII, XIX and XX. Pretende-se também mostrar as característicasRead more

Courses on art with Dr. Marcos Horace, Baroque specialist

Prof. Dr. Marcos Horacio Garcia Days is doctorate in Social History from PUC-SP; Master in Social History at USP; a graduate degree in art and Baroque Culture by the Institute of philosophy, Art and culture of the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP) and a Bachelor's degree in social sciences from USP. Has experience in the field of history and sociology, with … Read more
