BUT promotes our Lady about Theological Café, the integrator of the worlds

BUT promotes our Lady about Theological Café, the integrator of the worlds. Disclosure.

The sacred art museum receives Patricia Fox axe to a Theological Café on the theme of our Lady: the integrator of the worlds”. When Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope Leo III 2017 We celebrate the 300 years of our Lady of Aparecida, as well as the centenary of the apparition of our Lady of Fatima, dois exemplos da manifestação de uma devoção queRead more

BUT promotes on-site Course: Getting To Know São Paulo

BUT promotes on-site Course: Getting To Know São Paulo. Photo: Disclosure.

The Museum of sacred art promotes, from 10 august to 16 November, a course on the spot with the Prof. Dr. Roberto Coelho Barreira Filho sobre o tema “Getting To Know São Paulo”. See the city through the lens of your stored, of its museums. The Museum is an establishment or institution that is dedicated to the preservation, … Read more

BUT promotes free course-Independent America: Art, Culture and politics

BUT promotes free course-Independent America: Art, Culture and politics (featured). Disclosure.

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the theme "Independent America: Art, Culture and politics ", with Professor. Dr. Marcos Horácio Gomes Days. OBJECTIVE To present a study on the role of Art, culture and politics in American history, discussing the production, a circulação e a apropriação de representações queRead more

Course of conservation and restoration in its Museological Interdiciplinaridade – Wood Module

Course of conservation and restoration in Interdiciplinaridade – Wood your Museal (featured). Photo: Disclosure.

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo open new classes for the course of “Conservation and restoration in its interdisciplinary Museological”, with Prof. Titina Corso. Through theoretical presentation, and Dialogic practice, It is intended to stimulate the participants to note technical and artistic, para análise morfológica e identificação da cultura secular do material artísticoRead more

Abstract workshop: A watercolor on canvas in the BUT-SP

Abstract workshop: A watercolor on canvas in the BUT-SP. Photo: Disclosure.

In this course the student will be given many opportunities for free expression of your colors and shapes on the screen. This technique is used in both figurative and abstract, because the effect is as in watercolor, in which the main element is the water in conjunction with the colored material. O aluno interfere todo oRead more

Free Course: The self-portrait in art history

The self-portrait, one of the genres of painting, permeates all eras and pictorial styles, becoming in some cases vital element in the careers of artists such as Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, among others. The course aims to go through the history of the genre, Since your time more remote replication to contemporary art, abordando as especificidades da poética doRead more

Procedures for safeguarding a modern residence

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “Procedures for safeguarding a modern residence: House Nadyr de Oliveira / Carlos Millan. Fabio Di Mauro Coordination, Mirza Pellicciotta and Vanessa Kraml. OBJETIVO O objetivo do curso é estudar estratégias de salvaguarda e conservação de uma casa moderna paulistana projetada por CarlosRead more

Free Course: Costuming and Adorn the body BUT

The sacred art museum receives the Portuguese professor Dr. Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa to teach a course on the topic “Costuming and Adorn the body: the Egyptians to the twentieth century”. The objective of this course is the study of clothing from the Egyptians to the years 30 20TH century, analisando a relevânciaRead more

On-site course-art and culture in Minas Gerais: Diamantina and Saw

The course aims to assist in the identification of different artistic styles (Baroque, Rococo and neoclassical) and deepening questions about the creation of religious institutions and the artists ' drive to meet the demands of the Church and society diamond mining. PROFESSOR Marcos Horácio Gomes Dias é Doutor em História Social pela PUC-SP; Mestre em HistóriaRead more

Free course the painting of still life: symbols and styles

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “The painting of still life: symbols and styles”, with Prof. Dr. Vanessa Beatriz Bortulucce. TEACHER Vanessa Beatriz Bortulucce is a Post-Doctor at the Department of Modern Letters at FFLCH-USP. Graduated in history from the State University of Campinas (1997), Mestra em História da Arte e daRead more
