MAM RIO presents the exhibition “The brain (and walk) de Guido Anselmi”

behind the scenes, the process of creating and shooting masterpiece "8½", Federico Fellini (1920-1993), eternalized in the French Paul Ronald Photography, shows in unprecedented outside Italy, which includes the celebration of the centenary filmmaker genius. MAM Rio [Second floor, Space 2.3] Opening: 18 January 2020, 16h Until: 16 from … Read more

Christopher Page opens the installation “Blind Gallery” MAM-RIVER

Artist will also make your work presentation and workshop on EAV, with entrance open to the public the British artist Christopher Page, opens on Saturday, day 9 of december, MAM Rio, curated by Fernando Cocchiarale, a instalação “Blind Gallery”. A produção é do Instituto Inclusartiz, com o apoio do British Council e LambRead more

Brand exposure 40 years of garage that designed artists from the years 80 at the Museum of the Ingá

Curated by Marcus Otter and Viviane Matesco, the exhibition opens at the Museum of the Ingá, on Saturday, day 25 November, with more than 100 works of 50 The Experimentation and Method exhibition celebrates 40 years of the Ingá Engraving Workshop and rescues the memory of its importance in a … Read more

From abstraction to neoconcretismo: a tribute to Decius Vieira

From 8 April to 9 July Sesc Quitandinha-Petrópolis (RJ) Quitandinha Palace, in Petropolis, was the scene, in February 1953, one of the landmarks in the history of brazilian art: the 1st National Exhibition of abstract art, resultado de articulações entre a Associação Petropolitana de Belas Artes e o Museu de ArteRead more