FIA launches 12 graduate and MBA courses 100% online with UOL EdTech technology

FIA launches graduate and MBA courses using solution of OPM – UOL EdTech is the first company 100% brasileira a oferecer a solução 360º voltada à transformação digital de instituições de ensino O UOL EdTech e a FIA – Fundação Instituto de Administração – met on Monday (03/02), in the Brazilian House Museum, autoridades do setorRead more

History of brazilian aviation WINS exhibition at MCB

Opening: 1st of June, 19H30-free admission Open House: until 20 August The Brazilian House Museum, establishment of the Secretariat of culture of São Paulo State, features, in partnership with the Instituto Embraer, the universe of creation of national design for artifacts designed to fly. Como instituição dedicada às questões do designRead more