Mundane artivist licks are spread across 25 points of São Paulo

Image created by Mundano artivist of the indigenous Ari Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau. Photo: @cinedelia does not urge / André D'Elia em texto.

In celebration of 469 years of the city of São Paulo, artists, Collectives and influencers came together to draw attention to the plight of indigenous peoples in Brazil. Visibility that becomes even more urgent with the humanitarian tragedy experienced by the Yanomami, in the amazon. A series of actions were designed to bring light to violence … Read more

Tons of recyclable waste become works of art in a mega exhibition in SP

Andre Inea. Photo: Disclosure.

“Reciclos – Creating New Perspectives” enters free visitation at Unibes Cultural, from 1 September to 16 October, curated by the notable artist Mundano The city of São Paulo will reflect on consumption, recycling and sustainability from the exhibition “Recycles – Creating New Perspectives”, which opens its doors on the 1st of … Read more

Government of São Paulo promotes New Sea Issue – Museum of Street Art

About of 30 new works of urban art, signed by artists such as Mundane, services on arrival, Simone Siss, Raquel Brust and The Tupys, ocupam a cidade em todas as macrorregiões de São Paulo A Prefeitura de São Paulo lança em dezembro a nova edição do Museu de Arte de Rua (MAR), uma parceria entre as Secretarias MunicipaisRead more

Shows "17 ODS for a Better World" takes the Latin American Memorial

Novelis sponsors the exhibition and presents to the public works based on 17 ODS (Sustainable Development Goals) established by the UN for a better world to 2030 São Paulo, May 2019 – Between the days 22 May and 21 of June, the Memorial of Latin America – core culture, politics and leisure that … Read more