Women write about eroticism with poetry

Erotic collection “69 poems and some essays”, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Publishers Oficina Raquel and Jandaíra are launching the erotic collection “69 poems and some essays”, organized by Raquel Menezes with support from the collective Women who Write. With 49 poets from all over Brazil, the anthology is made to meet the woman's need to talk about sex, sexuality, feminine and feminism. According to the organizers, is a … Read more

Cartel 011 hosts exhibition of ceramics made by women

São Paulo, October 2019 – Between the days 26 October and 17 November, the collective exhibition “Manual work as a possibility of resistance and freedom” occupies the space of Cartel011. All works were produced only by women using ceramics as a basis for their artistic creations. Ao explorar como os ofíciosRead more

Rio Art Museum opens the exhibition "Women in the Collection SEA"

WOMEN IN COLLECTION SEA Opening: 16 November, 16h Free entrance during the World Women Festival, from 16 to 18/11 Curated By: Team MAR Season: by April 2019 The Museu de Arte do Rio, under the management of the Institute Odeon, opens to the public on 16 de novembro a exposição “Mulheres na ColeçãoRead more

Group exhibition the Cry of the Innocent by Rosangela Vig

My hands the bakeries… Never idle. Fruitful. Vast and busy. Laborious hands. Open always to give, Help, together and bless (CORALINA, 2004, p. 218) Built by the hands of our great Cora Coralina, poetry speaks to us of the hands full in your daily deals, tireless. The same hands, a simple gesture, offer, bless and protect. And, and the … Read more

Launch of YouTube channel “Talk PsiColeguinhas”

Three women and a lot of stories to tell. That's how the presenter and actress Babi Xavier and Paula Lane, master in psychoanalysis, define the program proposal Psicoleguinhas, you had your premiere, on YouTube, in the last day 29. In it, the two discuss current affairs in a relaxed and chat with a psychological footprint. A direçãoRead more

Women are mote Art project – noun feminine at Sesc Belenzinho

Principal Georgette Fadel opens the event with the premiere of Guerrilla or to the Earth there is Missing, It has Grace Passô dramaturgy Figure 1 – Cena do espetáculo Guerrilheiras ou para a Terra não há Desaparecidos que abre o evento dia 15 January at Sesc Belenzinho. . O projeto também contempla mesasRead more

Arts and technology program makes debate about women and games, and brings electronic facilities to Sesc Sorocaba

Mesa redonda sobre mulheres na tecnologia é o grande destaque do mês O programa de Tecnologias e Artes do Sesc Sorocaba traz, in the month of January, with the focus on games (electronic games) and a debate on the female presence in the universe of computing. All activities are free. In the days 9, 10, 16 … Read more

Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro performs chat with journalist Annick Cojean about women in conflict zones in the world

Annick Cojean is a reporter for the French newspaper Le Monde, TV presenter and author of several books. The event is held in French in the Auditorium of the Alliance Française in Botafogo and has free entry to the Alliance Française Botafogo receives, next Friday, 06, às 19h30, French journalist Annick Cojean, for a conference on women … Read more