Cover and back cover

Author: Viviane Teixeira. Title: Green Faith. Year: 2021. Technique: oily pastel without paper. Dimensions: 42 x 30 cm, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

cover – everything that involves, covers, protect something, for the purpose of protecting the back cover – inner part of the cover of a work or publication; back cover or back cover Annex LONA receives exposure, curated and designed by Marcio Harum - CAPA and CONTRACAPA that, despite the suggestion of uniqueness, is "2". The space opens two shows … Read more

Exhibition Elos do Cerrado presents the beauty and challenges for the conservation of the most biodiverse savannah in the world

Denilson Baniwa, Ocelot - featured. Disclosure.

The virtual show can be accessed from the Instituto Cerrados website Until the day 30 of december, people from all over the world can visit the Elos do Cerrado exhibition. The exhibition - homonymous to the event of which it is a part - allows visitors to see the beauty and challenges of savanna conservation … Read more

Invitation – 1ª Virtual Exhibition of Inclusive Art by Edmundo Cavalcanti

1ª Virtual Exhibition of Inclusive Art, invitation. Disclosure.

In August and September we will celebrate two important and significant dates for Art and for people with disabilities that are part of modern contemporary society: On 12 August Arts Day and 21 September the National Day of Struggle for People with Disabilities. “Thinking about celebrating these two dates Edmundo … Read more