Exhibition assembles works of 120 illustrators curitibanos

Shows Traces Curitibanos - Luiz Antonio Weld. Disclosure.

The production of the last two years 120 comics and animation professionals, illustrators and caricaturists of the city is reunited in the second edition of the show Traces Curitibanos, that will open next Friday (30), at 19h, in the Municipal Museum of art (Muma). All are active artists in Curitiba and cultural market, por meio dessaRead more

Shows see and feel through touch: Social inclusion in the MNBA

In the month of Paralimpíadas, the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes/IBRAM/MinC opens on the day 9 September, at 12:00, the exhibition "see and feel through touch". The show provides aesthetic appreciation of representations of four works of art from the collection of the MUSEUM for blind people, with low vision and psychics. Os organizadores da exposiçãoRead more

Samples “All time” and “You're the arrow” are opened in Periscope contemporary art (28/4)

The art is already part of the mining culture and has gained strongly space with the encouragement of the new museums, art houses and the emergence of new artists. In this context it is inserted the Periscope contemporary art, innovative space for presentation of diverse artistic manifestations in BH. The Gallery occupies a charming House of the 20, built by Oscar Negrão de Lima, neighboring the Image Museum and … Read more

Carmen F. Fonseca participates in the Shows Look Brazil – Green Art Show

Carmen F. Fonseca will present his works of art at the Mostra Look Brazil 2015 – Green Art Show Art Show, Architecture and Sustainable Design, at the Hebrew Club days 27, 28 and 29 October 2015. His technique of oil painting on canvas, subtly with ares and a lightness ever seen, always in the colors … Read more

1ª Mostra Itapetininga of Art by Edmundo Cavalcanti

In celebration of the anniversary of the city of Itapetininga in São Paulo, the artist and curator Ângela Cardoso Oliveira, will be promoting the 1ª Mostra Itapetininga of Art. The event will be held at the beautiful and traditional Clube Venâncio Ayres, from day 04 November 2014 from 20:00 hrs. Will be … Read more