Biennial Arts Launch of greater artistic occupation of Latin America stirs center

The “heats up” for the Arts Biennial II of the Ombudsman 63 occupies the Red Bull Station with activities and facilities until the day 12 of september Sao Paulo, September 2018 – Giving kick in the Arts Biennial II of the Ombudsman 63, that occurs concurrent with the Biennial of Art of São Paulo, o RedRead more

Shows “Female universe” by Elisa Monde in PIOLA Gardens

"Female Universe" brings out the fragility and the strength inherent in Women, sensations, feelings, ART need to express with the paradox of our lives. Com curadoria de Arte de Elisa Monde que tem um trabalho sólido nas Artes Plásticas e atualmente na série Geométricos com participação e premiações em Salões de Arte, Casa Cor, … Read more