Shows with the collection of paintings of the MNBA Grondona

Multifaceted character of the 19th century, the Genoese José Estevão Grondona (circa 1783 – 1850) docked in Rio de Janeiro as a trader. In your luggage there were at least 11 paintings sold for the Crown and for the nascent National Museum, then working in the field of Santana. This was only a trace of this thought-provoking character, … Read more

Joachim Lebreton and the French mission in the MNBA

In celebration of 200 years of the arrival of the French Artistic Mission to Brazil, the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes/IBRAM/MINC inaugurated the next day 14 of december, from 12:00, the exhibition Joaquin Lebreton – the art scene in 1816 the French mission in Rio de Janeiro. Um dos aspectos interessantes da curadoria de MonicaRead more

Shows see and feel through touch: Social inclusion in the MNBA

In the month of Paralimpíadas, the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes/IBRAM/MinC opens on the day 9 September, at 12:00, the exhibition "see and feel through touch". The show provides aesthetic appreciation of representations of four works of art from the collection of the MUSEUM for blind people, with low vision and psychics. Os organizadores da exposiçãoRead more

Exposure TESTIMONIES Of FAITH: GLIMPSES of the sacred in the MNBA

To the unknown God. This, since, You honour, not knowing, is your ad (Acts 17; 23). That symbolic impact must have caused to listeners of the Apostle Paul, This locution? We believe that the same as the current reader because. By said and by proclaimed, the theme of the award brings, the interpreter, a evidênciaRead more

Unpublished drawings of Roberto Rodrigues, brother of Nelson, in the MNBA

The anniversary of the 79 anniversary of the founding of the National Museum of fine arts/Ibram/MinC, celebrated the next day 13 January, will lead to various events, including the opening of the exhibition "Roberto, a certain Rana ". The exhibition, that opens at 12:30h, It's a snip with 30 works, between drawings and documents, produced by the talented Roberto Rodrigues … Read more

Shows photos: "What you see"(You see)

What you see(You see) Fotografia argentina no MNBA Temas como a infância desamparada, motherhood in critical situations, mother arrested, teen mothers, the mother-daughter relationship, love and nature, are some of the foci of the Argentine photographer Adriana Lestido, exhibition which opens next day 3 September, at 12:00, the hall … Read more

Exhibition Eduardo de Martino in the MNBA

In the month of celebrations 150 years of the Naval Battle of Riachuelo (11 June 1865), the exhibition “De Martino no Brasil” rescues the work of one of the artists who represented this conflict in rich detail, which was witness. The opening is the day 16 of June, at 18h, no Museu Nacional de BelasRead more

João Turin Exhibition at the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes

Voted the Best art exhibition of 2014, João Turin show comes to the MNBA Exhibition “John Turin-Life, ArtWork, Art” will be featured in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, in Rio de Janeiro from the day 28 de Mayo, will open, in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, in Rio de Janeiro, a exposição “JoãoRead more

Paintings of Chilean Macarena Acharán on MNBA by Nelson Moreira

Paintings da Chilean Macarena Acharán not MNBA by Nelson Moreira Delicacy, violence complaint and live in a playful tension on the screens of artist and teacher Macarena Acharan (born in Santiago de Chile). The restlessness of the artist throbs in paints and in the movement of strokes, denouncing the status of women in the world. É o queRead more

Exhibition “Pedaling Colors” of Betto Pereira by Nelson Moreira

Exhibition “Pedaling Colors” Betto of Pereira by Nelson Moreira Comprising 18 Acrylic canvas and full of colors, exposure of the artist Betto Pereira at the National Museum of Fine Arts / IBRAM / Ministry of Culture has a number of bikes that emerge from the colors of his childhood and the collective imagination, town of many stories and stories. In … Read more
