September Yellow: “Amid the pandemic, never has this suicide prevention campaign become so necessary,”Says health professional

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Neuroscientist and psychoanalyst Fabiano de Abreu gives tips for patients with depression. We are in ‘Yellow September’, and never in history has this theme become more relevant than in the pandemic moment we are experiencing. The campaign started in 2015 in Brazil chose the month of September so that we can raise awareness and help by contributing with … Read more

Philosopher Fabiano de Abreu launches series of books on the human mind during quarantine

Livro "7 pecados capitais que a filosofia explica", featured. Reproduction / MF Global Press.

The philosopher, psychoanalyst and specialist in studies of the human mind Fabiano de Abreu has released the second book in a series of five that will be released during the quarantine on Amazon and Google Books worldwide. The author plans to release a total of ten books later this year. During quarantine, one of the main challenges for people … Read more