cultural spaces open to visitors during the year-end recess

During the year-end recess, some areas of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation will be open to visitors. From 26 to 30/12, work during regular hours the Municipal Museum of Art (Muma) and Casa Romário Martins. As for the Ukrainian and Polish Immigration memorials remain open during the entire period. Os demais espaços estarãoRead more

Polish community celebrates Christmas in the woods of the Pope

The traditional "Jaselka", Christmas festivity of Polish community, will be held next Sunday (3/12), from 12:00 to 6:00 pm, at the Memorial of Polish Immigration – Woods of Pope. In addition to the typical lunch, There will be performances by folk groups and the staging of auto Polish Christmas. Vários quiosques estarão vendendo comidas e produtos típicos natalinos a partirRead more

The Pope will have party in honor of the patroness of Poland

Pope's Grove will feast in honor of the patron saint of Poland The Polish Memorial will host on Sunday (30) Celebration in honor of Our Lady of Czestochowa. The programming starts at 11:0, with typical lunch and sale of products from the Polish community. A missa em louvor à padroeira da Polônia será àsRead more