NAR promotes restoration and conservation course in BUT

Course of conservation and restoration of Easel painting on the NAR – Arts core, Conservation and restoration, in partnership with the Government of the State of São Paulo, Department of culture and the Museum of sacred art of São Paulo, promotes a course of conservation and restoration of Painting on Easel. A didática do NAR é compostaRead more

Course Sculpture – 2Edition in BUT

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo opens registration for the 2nd Edition of “Full course of Sculpture” with Master Wandecok Chandra, self taught by nature, craftsman-sculptor, currently works with modeling. Went many places working and learning about the clay. Wandecok Chandra enjoys national recognition, inside the sculptural art area, ceramics, no bronze eRead more

BUT invites everyone to the first theological Café 2016

Theological Café The Sacred Art Museum of São Paulo, receives the Sister Ivone Brandão da Silva for the first year Theological Café, who will speak on the topic “Book of song of songs”. When: 09/03 (on wednesday) Time: 17h to 19h Value: R $ 20 Subscriptions: Information: (11) 5627.5393 Local: São Paulo Sacred Art Museum Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676 – Light | Station … Read more

Lecture: Sacred literature as Cultural Artistic Heritage

The Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo promotes a free lecture that will talk about “Sacred literature as Cultural Artistic Heritage”. The word is more than the shell of thought, She is the very essence of human identity. Taking ownership of the word is to be and act upon and with the world. No excesso deRead more

BUT promotes extension course of Introduction to studies of Sacred Literature

Extension course: Introduction to Studies in Sacred Literature The Museum of Sacred Art promotes an Extension Course on the theme “Introduction to studies of Sacred Literature: the Holy Mystery is the poetic Word”. The aim of the course is to bring the end to the universe of Sacred Literature, desenvolvendo estratégias de leitura e discussão dosRead more

BUT promotes extension course: History of Baroque

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes the extension course "history of Baroque". The goal of the course is to present a study on the art and culture of the 17th and 18th century Baroque, discussing the ways that the Baroque and Rococo art took in society during this period. O curso é voltado para interessados emRead more

Museum of sacred art of Paraty reopens its doors

BUT Art. Disclosure.

Installed in the Church of Santa Rita, instituição ganha nova exposição com o objetivo de dar mais visibilidade a seu acervo Com a missão de pesquisar, Save, expose and promote culturally the collection of sacred art belonging to religious brotherhoods in the city, the Museum of sacred art of Paraty (BUT), with the sponsorship of Petrobras, reabreRead more