Paulo Pasta: LIGHT || Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo

Author: Paulo Pasta. Title: without title. Year: 2020. Technique: oil s / screen. Dimensions: 50 x 60 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

Paulo Pasta: LIGHT “The painting is good, for me, when it's silent” Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo – BUT / SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, opens “Paulo Pasta: Light", exhibition of the plastic artist Paulo Pasta, curated by Simon Watson. The show features 19 … Read more

João Trevisan: Body and soul

Author: João Trevisan. Title: Walk to Light. Year: 2020. Technique: video performance. Dimensions: duration 6 min. Photo: Disclosure.

“The paintings evoke the night skies while the sculptures refer to the trails that cross the land”. Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo – BUT/SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, exhibits the exhibition “Body and Soul”, of the artist João Trevisan, curated by Simon Watson. … Read more

Cribs on the Metro

Cribs on the Metro, crib. Disclosure.

Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo – BUT/SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, in accordance with all protocols defined by the competent areas, brings to the MAS / Metrô Tiradentes room the group show “Presépios no Metrô”, with 18 sets belonging to its collection that, under curation … Read more

Jesus was born in Naples

Jesus was born in Naples, Angel. Disclosure.

“The intention of these representations was to communicate the beauty and simplicity of the mystery of faith, of the God who became man. ” Dom Devair Araújo da Fonseca Sacred Art Museum of São Paulo - MAS / SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, in compliance with all protocols defined … Read more

#projectearte: in search of people

#projtete displays Origin: Ethiopia by Daniel Taveira. Photo: Daniel Taveira.

#projectearte, now with two official points of external projection in the city of São Paulo, displays Origin: Daniel Taveira's Ethiopia with reliable representations of human diversity, abundant in colors and shapes: “The cradle of the world was being sculpted and exploded in my imagination with this series where I tried to extract the best of the beauty of the breeds”. … Read more

#projectearte: brings art and people together

"I Am Light" by Gabriel Wickbold, invitation. Disclosure.

The ZERØ Gallery – Tainara and Pedro Paulo Afonso, in partnership with INC Photography – Julie Schlossman e Monica Paes, start the #projetearte in order to bring relevant artistic events to the public now unable to go to galleries, museums and other places of exhibitions and cultural events. Pedro, Julie e Monica … Read more

MAS / SP emphasizes its presence in the Digital Universe

Documentary: "Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo - Very Nice!”. Photo: Disclosure.

Launches and new actions on different platforms allow the museum's contact with its friends and general public São Paulo Museum of Sacred Art - MAS / SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, taking into account the guidelines of the competent bodies to contain the spread of Covid-19, close your doors … Read more

Empire St. Paul portrayed in book

(…)The bronchi of the city that had been the Straight Street, Saint Benedict and the Rosary yielded the time for railway lines. The forward progress and São Paulo turns. Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo – BUT/SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, following the … Read more

Exhibition unites art and artificial intelligence in MAS / SP

Artworks react to the presence of people, reflect feelings and interact through movements on visual stimuli and facial Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo - MAS / SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, dando sequência aos eventos comemorativos de seu Jubileu de Ouro a serRead more

Works of Frei Jesuíno on display at MAS / SP

The show seeks the enhancement of Material and Intangible Heritage Sacra by Religious and Artistic perspective. Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo – BUT/SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, dando sequência aos eventos comemorativos de seu Jubileu de Ouro a ser completado em JunhoRead more