Winter Music Festival of the Magic Mountain’ has this week four great presentations

Barros Eudoxia, the great lady of the brazilian piano. Photo: Regina of Jesus.

The festival “Winter Music from the Magic Mountain”, creation of the Hotel Toriba, in Campos do Jordao, there are four very presentations this week, very special Remember that all the Toriba Musical events in July are part of the official program of the 51st Campos do Jordão Summer and Winter Festival. On Wednesday, 7 … Read more

Toriba promotes the festival “Winter Music from the Magic Mountain” – from 19 from June to 21 on Sep

Pianist Karin Fernandes and cellist Adriana Holtz, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

CAMPOS DO JORDÃO WILL HAVE, ALL WINTER, THE FESTIVAL “MUSIC IN THE WINTER OF THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN” O Toriba, in Campos do Jordao, the most musical of Brazilian hotels, through its Toriba Musical project it maintains an excellent musical program with performances during all 52 weeks of the year. And now, intensifying musical activities, back to … Read more

“Festival Toriba Musical” continues with two lyrical recitals and a piano recital with Beethoven sonatas

Marly Montoni, soprano and Ulysses Montoni, tenor, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The Toriba Musical Festival continues this week with three more performances in the Fireplace Room of the Hotel Toriba, always at 19 hours, live and with audience presence. On Wednesday, 18 Nov, soprano Marly Montoni and tenor Ulisses Montoni make the whole program with songs from great Broadway musicals. In … Read more