Environmentalist debuts documentary about garbage on Everest and warns about the future of the Planet

Caio Queiroz. Photo: Disclosure.

https://www.obrasdarte.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Everest-Sustentável.mp4 (Documentary teaser “Everest Sustainable”). Amid the pandemic, documentary that warns about the importance of environmental awareness is released on Canal Off / Globosat; the premiere takes place on World Environment Day and the documentary “Everest Sustentável” brings a reflection on the consequences of the human being's actions on the Planet São Paulo, June … Read more

São Paulo hosts the photographic exhibition "Sustainable Everest"

In partnership with Mitsubishi, the exhibition aims to show the public the expedition photos and videos to Mount Everest, which enabled the making of a documentary to raise awareness about the accumulated garbage in the highest mountain in the world; o evento será realizado no MitPoint do shopping JK com entrada gratuita São Paulo, … Read more

free lecture warning about the garbage problem on Mount Everest

The aim will be to discuss possible solutions to reduce the high amount of existing waste on site, in addition to publicize the project in the form of documentary on the subject developed by the speakers; the event will be held the next day 15, em São Paulo São Paulo, august 2019 – Para apresentarem uma campanha de conscientizaçãoRead more