Exhibit Frida Kahlo reaches Brasília

FRIDA KAHLO-CONNECTIONS BETWEEN WOMEN SURREALISTS IN MEXICO CULTURAL BOX BRASILIA, 13 FROM APRIL TO 5 JUNE 2016. FREE ENTRY. No more to the Brasilia's monumental Cultural exhibition dedicated to the great Mexican artist * Paintings, drawings, collages and lithographs of Frida Kahlo and other works 14 artists born or based in Mexico *An immersion … Read more

Exhibit Frida Kahlo – Connection between women Surrealists in Mexico by Rosangela Vig

Fall asleep with the music of life. I love you forget is lust dispersion. (MEIRELES, 1982, IV) The weather has been generous with the history of art. Our look thanks, always very delighted with the legacy that each period left and that each style built. If the classic delicious by nature, the Modern … Read more