Casa-Museu Ema Klabin brings a rich online program in the 14th Week of Museums

Ema Klabin House Museum is inspired by Sanssouci Palace (Potsdam, Germany) and designed by Alfredo Ernesto Becker in the mid 1950. Photo: Disclosure.

Monotipia virtual office, interviews with artists, music and you will also learn more about two art collections created by women ahead of their time, sisters Eva and Ema Klabin The Casa-Museu Ema Klabin participates in 21 to 27 of September of the 14th Spring of the Museums, an action to promote museums … Read more

Work series "Conversations with My Father" Marcos Amaro will be exposed in the House-Museum Ema Klabin

Opening of the exhibition takes place on Saturday, 9 November, às 14h, the series Contemporary Range. The artist also participates in a chat about his work The Casa-Museu Ema Klabin promotes 9 November to 15 December the Interval Contemporâneo series. The guest is the artist Marcos Amaro, presenting chandelier sculpture. The work, … Read more

Emmathomas Gallery presents exhibition Two SpherogrÁfias, Gilberto Salvador

The artist uses the sphere as an instrument to create interventions in panels with excerpts from poems by the Spaniard Federico Garcia Lorca Entre dos dias 30 May and 14 July, the Emmathomas Gallery opens its doors to the first solo exhibition 2018: two SpherogrÁfias, Gilberto Salvador, curated by Ricardo Resende. The … Read more

Brigida Baltar was the winner of Marcos Amaro Art Award

Initiative was a partnership between Fundação Marcos Amaro and SP-Arte Plastic artist Brígida Baltar, Nara Roesler Gallery, It was the winner of Marcos Amaro Art Award, what happened on 12 April, during the SP-Arte. A premiação foi uma parceria entre a Fundação Marcos Amaro e a entidade organizadoraRead more