Painting workshop – Exhibition “Brazilian Fauna and Flora”

'Uirapurus - Rendeiras - Exits', lithograph of the Brazilian Fauna and Flora show, with birds cataloged by Emílio Goeldi.

AT THE EXHIBITION “FAUNA AND BRAZILIAN FLORA” HOLDS TWO MORE OIL PAINTING WORKSHOPS The great success of the oil painting on canvas workshop held on the last day 3 July, it took the Taubatean artist Márcio Carneiro and the direction of the exhibition “Brazilian Fauna and Flora” to promote two more workshops. these will be … Read more

Painting Workshop at the exhibition “Brazilian Fauna and Flora”

Painting Workshop at the exhibition "Brazilian Fauna and Flora", featured. Disclosure.

Márcio Carneiro, Taubate artist and teacher, minister this saturday, 3 July, from 16 to 20 hours, oil on canvas painting workshop, having as a model the Galo-de-campina. The workshop takes place at Via Vale Garden Shopping, in Taubaté, in the exhibition space “Brazilian Fauna and Flora”. The show's highlight is the … Read more