Sea of Cultures invites experts to talk about anxiety disorders and disorders of contemporary society

Chat happens in the day 18 February, a partir the 19h, the Globe Kiosk The disorders and anxiety disorders are common in contemporary society, and will be subject of the next Culture Sea. To speak on the subject the day 18 February, the Globe invited experts that will debate, at your kiosk – … Read more

Experts participate in chat in Globe kiosk and take questions from the public about the Zika Virus

Schedule of the day 21 January, Thursday, at 18h, is part of the Sea of ​​Cultures The Zika Virus epidemic is currently one of the most frequent topics in the press and among friends. Não só as grávidas – por conta dos casos de microcefalia ligados à doença – têm dúvidas sobre o vírus transmitidoRead more

Globe brings together experts to talk about the economic crisis in new edition of Cultures

Mara Luquet and Eduardo Moreira will debate the subject, day 10, at the Globo Kiosk The economic crisis that has affected the pockets of Brazilian families is the theme of the day's Sea of ​​Cultures 10 of december, Thursday, at 19h, in the Kiosk of the Globe, in Copacabana. For the meeting entitled "Shoo crisis: como superar osRead more

Sea of Cultures receives the sambista Diogo Nogueira to homage to João Nogueira

GISA and Didu Nogueira, Moacyr Luz and Ricardo Cravo Albin will also participate in the musical meeting that takes place on the day 26 November, at 19h, at the Globo kiosk The remarkable sambas and the musical career of João Nogueira, one of the great singers and songwriters in the country, serão relembrados no Mar de Culturas – Música –Read more

Sea of Cultures honors Vinicius de Moraes

Globe project deals with the Poet's legacy day 15 October in Copacabana One of the main creators of Bossa Nova, Vinicius de Moraes had the Word as raw material and left a huge legacy to national and international culture. Are poetry, lyrics, and a lot of story to tell. Em homenagem ao artista queRead more

Globe supports mobilization against religious intolerance

During the weekend of the 8th Hike in defense of religious freedom, the Globe, which supports the event, contributes to the mobilization and proposes reflection around the theme 18 September, Friday, às 19h uma edição especial do ‘Mar de Culturas’ – projeto da Globo que reúne especialistas para discussões deRead more

Sea of Cultures makes tribute to Gonzaguinha and takes guests to talk about one of the great masters of MPB

Sea of Cultures makes tribute to Gonzaguinha and takes guests to talk about one of the great masters of MPB in the month in which the artist would complete 70 years, Globe project revives another name of brazilian music in the day 17, in Copacabana, from 7pm Son of the “king of baião”, Gonzaguinha since he was little … Read more

Funk, Identity and Territory: Sea of Cultures promotes chat about the music genre

Funk, Identity and Territory: Sea of Cultures promotes chat about the music genre Project of the Globe take this Thursday, at 19h, debate with DJ Malboro, Mateus Aragão e Mc Leonardo ao Quiosque da Globo Movimento originário das periferias e favelas cariocas, funk is the theme of the next Sea of ​​Cultures, day 3 September, Thursday, … Read more

Sandra de Sá participates in the sea of cultures – Music in honor of Tim Maia

Bruno Levinson, Fabio Stella, Carlos Dafé, and musicians of the band Royal Victory are also invited in the chat that happens on the day 20 August, at 19h, no Quiosque da Globo A voz rouca, serious and loaded, e o estilo soul transformaram Tim Maia em um dos maiores ícones da música popular brasileira. To the sound of … Read more

Sea of Cultures gets Marcos Caruso to debate about Theatre at the kiosk of the Globe

Sea of Cultures gets Marcos Caruso to debate about Theatre at the Globe kiosk Veríssimo Junior, Reinaldo Sant’ Ana and Carmen Mello also are the guests of this edition that happens on the day 13 August, quinta-feira O Mar de Culturas vai levar ao público um bate-papo sobre o teatro em diferentes contextos sociais nesta quinta-feira, … Read more