Antonio Parreiras is honored with an exhibition by 37 works in MAC Niterói

Antonio Parreiras (1860-1937). outdoor school (Teresópolis, RJ), 1892, circa. Oil on canvas. Collection of the Museum Antonio Parreiras / FUNARJ. Photography: Diego Barino – Cerne Sistemas.

Opening the commemorations of the 80 years of the Antonio Parreiras Museum (MAP), FUNARJ presents the exhibition Antonio Parreiras: landscapes and seascapes, from 7 to 23 January, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Niterói. Curated by Vanda Klabin, the show brings together 37 canvases made by the painter, between 1887 and 1937, and evidences the pioneering … Read more

“Resurgence”: sea ​​that inspires and teaches

Pedro Vasquez. Photo: Disclosure.

The exhibition “Resurgence” will be open to the public, on 21 de Mayo, Friday, from 11:0, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Niterói (RJ), with an invitation to come back and breathe new airs. O título é uma alusão ao fenômeno oceanográfico que ocorre quando ventos mudam de direção eRead more

Guilherme Vaz-a fraction of infinity

Book-catalogue about the trajectory of the multimedia artist Guilherme Vaz that brings together an overview of the life and work of one of the most complete Brazilian artists. With trouble chart, the bilingual edition features previously unpublished essays, historical texts, critical and analytical, documents, records and photographs The book will be launched with a debate between curators Franz Manata – … Read more