Crafts in Ribeirão Preto: Tradition and Local Creativity

Crafts in Ribeirão Preto: Tradition and Local Creativity. Photo:

Crafts in Ribeirão Preto emerge as a living expression of local identity and creativity. Ribeirão Preto, city ​​located in the heart of the state of São Paulo, is recognized by many as an important economic and cultural hub. Strolling through the city's historic streets and fairs, it is possible to immerse yourself in an enchanting world … Read more

Served? Discover the history of restaurants

Restaurant. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Anywhere in the world, who observes an environment where there are tables, chairs, and, mainly, meals, there will be no doubts: there is a restaurant there. Regardless of language, of the culture or the place where it is installed, the fact is that our mind allows us to recognize that ideal environment to feed. But if today the restaurant is … Read more