KAKA WERÁ calls for the launch of his book “THUNDER AND WIND "

Book launch of Kaka Werá Thunder and Wind a path of evolution by Tupi-Guarani shamanism 18 October 2016 19h às 22h Biblioteca Pública Estadual Luiz de Bessa Galeria de Arte Paulo Campos Guimarães Praça da Liberdade, 21 – Funcionários Convite:

Book criticizes alleged perfection of social relations

Reflect on what lies behind appearances, This is the proposal of the new book the writer Claudia Marczak. Titled "a perfect world", the novel attempts to represent one of the great dramas of the society, the self-image of the social classes. The work tells the story of Louise, a beautiful woman, attractive, mother of two children, … Read more

Alliance Française carries out chat with journalist Mauricio Torres Assumpção

Writer and journalist is the author of the book "the history of Brazil in the streets of Paris", which tells the saga of historical characters in town. The chat is held in Portuguese and admission is free the Alliance Française offers, on Wednesday, 11, às 19h30, o bate-papo sobre o livro “A história do Brasil nasRead more

Book defends the importance of the words

The word goes beyond what is usual, trivial and everyday life. That's what the writer defends carioca Alexandra Vieira de Almeida in his new book of poems titled "Asleep in the verb". Released by the Publisher Penalux and composed of 67 poetry, the work aims to show the importance of the perception of the word in building everything around us. … Read more

Contemporary Brazilian Art book will be released in 31 March

Disseminate the brazilian art through modern and contemporary artists Are carefully selected artists 50 to compose this book – with the purpose of promoting the art and the artistic value of each job -, giving prominence to the creativity and the charm of the works. With Cultural production of Carmen Inn, textos críticos de EnockRead more

Photobiography of actress Marília Pêra has launch on the river

Book is sponsored by the network of Hotels Othon was released, yesterday, Monday (25), in the bookstore Travessa (Shopping Leblon), in Rio de Janeiro, the photobiography of actress Marília Pêra, sponsored by the network of Othon hotels. Among dozens of friends, actors, personalities and fans, Tomás Ramos attended the event; Martha Bezerra de Mello; Lars Berggren plus … Read more

Othon hotels network sponsors photobiography of Marília Pêra

The network of Hotels Othon is the sponsor of the actress Marília Pêra biopic that will be released next Monday, 25, in the bookstore Travessa (Shopping Leblon), in Rio de Janeiro. Through this initiative, Othon hotels seek to consolidate a story of support to projects that aim to enhance the Brazilian art. De acordo com oRead more

Green workshop also offers activities for children

The 34th Curitiba music workshop promotes until the day 22 January, another edition of "Green Shop", event that acts as environmental contribution and inspiration for people interested in urban ecology. Todos as atividades são gratuitas e para participar é preciso fazer inscrição pelo link http://www.oficinademusica.org.br/cursos/oficina-verde/6 Para este ano, a programação foiRead more

Literate programming of Sesc Sorocaba brings debate on Pablo Neruda and intervention

Events will be with educator Francine Ramos and the Realejo Poético group The literature program at Sesc Sorocaba brings, in January, a discussion on the works of Pablo Neruda and a poetic intervention, In addition to the traditional mobile rack with more than 200 books to enjoy. All the attractions are free. During days 16 … Read more
