Cynthia Ross launches unprecedented book of poetry: Meet The Secret Door, by Juliana Vannucchi

Cynthia Ross launches unprecedented book of poetry: Meet The Secret Door. Photo: Disclosure.

Cynthia Ross, acclaimed Legend of the Underground scene of New York, breathes art from a young age, Since it was during childhood that he learned to play piano. Later, experienced the most explosive period of American punk rock, closely following the emergence and maturation of C.B.G.B's main bands, e formando nessa época seu próprioRead more

How to Write a Book

How to Write a Book. Photo:

When you think about “how to write a book“, what comes to mind? Many aspiring writers feel overwhelmed by this task.. Writing a book is a dream for many, but it can also seem intimidating. This guide will demystify the process and show you that it is possible to turn your ideas into a complete work. Let's explore … Read more

A book for the future guardians of the Planet

Book "Corina and Corona: learnings from the pandemic, by capixaba author Isabela Castello, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Plastic artist and environmental columnist from Espírito Santo, Isabela Castello offers propositional reflections for children and young people about the direction humanity should take in the post-Covid world. Much remains to be said about the Coronavirus pandemic and the impacts on the world population. After the critical period and with expansion of vaccination coverage, remains at … Read more

Serra da Capivara: the surprise of the century details the discovery process of the largest collection of cave paintings in the world

Book "Serra da Capivara: The Surprise of the Century, The Story of a Park" by Edna Bugni, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Product of years of research by writer Edna Bugni, the book Serra da Capivara: the surprise of the century, the story of a park addresses the discoveries of the largest open-air collection of cave paintings in the world. From the first photograph analyzed by the São Paulo archaeologist of French origin Niéde Guidon, in 1963, until the creation of … Read more

Launch: book tells the backstage of the pilgrimages in honor of Nossa Senhora da Agonia, in Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Illustrative picture. Photo: Pixabay.

Will be released next day 5 of August an unpublished book that talks about one of the Portuguese traditions: the pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Agony. The work, entitled “Festas D’Agonia – Viana do Castelo – For Brazilians and Luso-descendants” will be presented by the author, Journalist Igor Lopes, and the Secretary of State for the Sea, … Read more

almost guardian: Rafaella Marques launches second book in the Eleita pela Magia saga

Book "Almost Guardian" by Rafaella Marques, featured. Disclosure.

after being elected, Luna needs to team up with her new witch friends to fight a dark magic villain that threatens everyone's existence Luna's journey into the universe of magic has just begun! Published by Grupo Editorial Coerência, “Almost Guardian”, second book in the Chosen by Magic saga, arrives at the main bookstores of the … Read more

The relief theory, an urgent reflection on evolution and human weaknesses

The relief theory: How a positive goal can generate immense dangerous reactions (autograph), by Octavio Pires - featured. Photo: Disclosure.

How much the rampant consumerism experienced by contemporary society is simply the product of forces we do not control? We always seek relief from something that ails us and we act to find solutions to what we see as problems or desires.? These are basic questions of the book The Theory of Relief: How a positive goal can generate huge reactions … Read more

Portuguese archaeologist warns in her book that one of the oldest human settlements in the world will disappear

Hasankeyf. Photo: Café Central / MF Global Press.

Portuguese archeologist and historian, Joana Freitas, has a book published in a Brazilian publisher for more than 12.000 years, the river Tigris sustains the people of Hasankeyf, which is considered one of the oldest known human settlements. Now time is running out for the ancient city, which is about to be submerged by the waters of the reservoir … Read more

Niterói poems – 3confronts and provokes precisely to move this world

Livro "Poemas de Niterói" by Marcos Jorge Nasser, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Neutral colors are becoming increasingly popular. (autograph) Neutral colors are becoming increasingly popular. – Poems from Niterói; Poems from Niterói – and poem as a verbal construct, Poems from Niterói. confronts and provokes precisely to move this world … Read more

Flower photo created by lookstudio

Livro "A saga desconhecida do SUDÁRIO DE CRISTO e de sua Igreja", book - cover, featured. Disclosure.

generating the interest of architects and decorators to create more cozy and differentiated environments, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, in partnership with the publisher Lumen et Virtus receives for the launch of the book authored by … Read more