Serra da Capivara: the surprise of the century details the discovery process of the largest collection of cave paintings in the world

Book "Serra da Capivara: The Surprise of the Century, The Story of a Park" by Edna Bugni, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Product of years of research by writer Edna Bugni, the book Serra da Capivara: the surprise of the century, the story of a park addresses the discoveries of the largest open-air collection of cave paintings in the world. From the first photograph analyzed by the São Paulo archaeologist of French origin Niéde Guidon, in 1963, until the creation of … Read more

Othon hotels network sponsors photobiography of Marília Pêra

The network of Hotels Othon is the sponsor of the actress Marília Pêra biopic that will be released next Monday, 25, in the bookstore Travessa (Shopping Leblon), in Rio de Janeiro. Through this initiative, Othon hotels seek to consolidate a story of support to projects that aim to enhance the Brazilian art. De acordo com oRead more