Casa Museu Ema Klabin promotes meetings with great writers

Ema Klabin House Museum is inspired by Sanssouci Palace (Potsdam, Germany) and designed by Alfredo Ernesto Becker in the mid 1950. Photo: Disclosure.

Online dating cycle brings great names from literature, in addition to new talents. Cristovão Tezza, José Eduardo Agualusa, Luiz Ruffato and Selma Maria Kuasne are part of the program Whoever loves literature has an appointment with great writers. The Casa Museu Ema Klabin promotes, between the months of March and November, the Encounter with Writers program: … Read more

From romance to comedy: check out the best eBook deals

Books: "457 Milhas" de Rachel Fernandes, "O mar me levou a você" de Pedro Rhuas e "Suíte 2121" by Rachel Fernandes. Photo: Disclosure.

Sweek Stars winner 2018 stands out with its stories on sale To start the week with several reading suggestions, we listed three eBooks by Rachel Fernandes that are on offer on Amazon and two other titles by national authors, and, increasing your virtual library on Kindle. The stories written by the artists range from … Read more

Age is a problem for Brazilian authors?

Lea Michaan, Telma Brites and Vanessa Guimarães. Photo: Disclosure.

Index of Brazilian authors with more than 40 years grows in the publishing market The Editorial Coherence Group surveyed an internal survey and pointed out that, of the authors of the house, 39% are women over 40 years. The percentage is very favorable to the publishing market and warms old discussions between those who defend the interference in the age of those … Read more

Nobelina: the representation of northeastern women and their claws

Nobelina book" by Cibele Laurentino, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Cibele Laurentino launches debut novel by Grupo Editorial Coerência Daughter of the late poet and writer Zé Laurentino, Cibele Laurentino stands out in the literary world with the launch of “Nobelina”, her debut novel, which was published by Grupo Editorial Coerência through the Plus+ label.. In the story, the author proposes to narrate the life of a matuta from the northeast and … Read more

Book shows that love overcomes dark times

Book & quot; The secret silence of love" by Álvaro Alves de Faria and Denise Emmer, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Show that love is capable of winning even in arid times that dry the tears of sensitivity. É com essa temática que os poetas consagrados Álvaro Alves de Faria e Denise Emmer lançam seu mais novo livro de poesias “O secreto silêncio do amor” (Publisher Penalux, 2021). In the work, Love is seen in a different way … Read more

Marcelo Douglas launches the book “STORIES OF OPPRESSION AND FREEDOM”

Book "Stories of Oppression and Freedom" by Marcelo Douglas, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Historian and political scientist Marcelo Douglas has just completed his most recent book “Histories of Oppression and Freedom” (Ed. Bouquet). It is a historical novel contextualized in five distinct periods of humanity, reporting important and decisive moments in history, against the background of the struggle for freedom revealed by the perspective of the most … Read more

The difficulties of Brazilian authors

Rachel Fernandes, Gleiber Clodomiro, Vanessa Guimarães and Isabela Zinn. Disclosure.

With a low rate of readers in the country, writers report difficulties they face in the literary medium The most recent survey by Retratos da Leitura pointed out that Brazil lost 4,6 millions of readers among 2015 and 2019. According to the percentage, the index dropped from 56% for 52%, being that 48% da população brasileira representamRead more

Chris Sevla raises reflections on hope, faith and love in your books

Book "40 attitudes to transform your heart" the Chris Sevla, cover - featured. Disclosure.

With several works launched, the author proposes to raise teachings through stories with humor Chris Sevla is the author of more than seven books published in the national publishing market. Betting on different stories, but with a special touch that leaves its trademark, the artist proposes to raise reflections on hope, faith and … Read more

LOVE TRILOGY”, composed by the musicals A Gaiola, Tales Partidos de Amor and Let's Buy a Poet, performs in season online

The cage. Photo: Guga Melgar.

Directed by Duda Maia, the shows address themes present in the daily lives of children, of fathers and mothers. In this situation of isolation, we are distancing ourselves from friends and relatives. The place where we live has become the workplace, school and leisure space. Many times, this intense interaction becomes repetitive … Read more

FraterAngelicus: Oz Montgomery launches fantasy book with cursed ex-friar

Book "FraterAngelicus" de Oz Montgomery, cover - featured. Photo: John Fellix.

Author's debut book will be released by Grupo Editorial Coerência Fascinated by fantasy, writer Oz Montgomery will make a dream come true this month by launching “FraterAngelicus” by Grupo Editorial Coerência. Among angels, demons and several other supernatural beings, the author tells a story with great lessons through a plot that revolves around a young ex-friar … Read more
