New book by Ingra Danielle Português was launched by Grupo Editorial Coerência

Book “Melina Crível” by Ingra Danielle Português, cover - featured. Disclosure.

The author's second work raises reflections on the importance of preserving the environment After debuting in literature with “A Caverna, the Prince and the Wife”, writer and theologian Ingra Danielle Português draws readers' attention with “Melina Crível”, his second book released in 2020 by Grupo Editorial Coerência. A história é uma fantasia que traz reflexõesRead more

And all truth will be revealed: meet Sandro Sabag's debut book

Book: "And all truth will be revealed" by Sandro Sabag, cover - featured. Disclosure.

The national book published by Grupo Editorial Coerência addresses knowledge about the world and humanity up to the present day Sandro Sabag's debut book, "And all truth will be revealed", was released last weekend at Livraria Martins Fontes on Avenida Paulista. Published by Grupo Editorial Coerência, the title addresses controversial issues and brings … Read more

Samuel Freitas signs a contract to publish his first book with Grupo Editorial Coerência

Samuel Freitas, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

the young author of 21 years, wrote “Benjamin Pollux and the Moon Medal” after a dream The designer Samuel Freitas, from 21 years, signed a contract with Grupo Editorial Coerência to publish its first title, "Benjamin Pollux and the Moon Medallion". In publishing period, Samuel already has all the expectations of being a new author … Read more

Book researching Afro-Brazilian dance under a philosophical aspect

Tangled Collective, in the KALUNGA show, afro-brazilian dance. Photo: Disclosure.

A search with almost 10 years about Afro-Brazilian dance was transformed in the book “Aesthetics of the performative practices of Afro-Brazilian scenic dance”, by Maicom Souza e Silva, philosopher and dancer from Espírito Santo. In the work that will be released independently with distribution from Editora Appris, the author talks about a scenic work developed within the Coletivo … Read more

Kildary Costa debuts in literature with book “The Park”

Book "The Park" de Kildary Costa. Disclosure.

The work by Cearense was published in February by the Editorial Group Coerência Kildary Costa, public servant of the judiciary sector, debuted in literature with "A Parca", book released in February this year by Plus+, seal of the Editorial Coherence Group. The work narrates Persephone going on a journey together with her brother and friends to discover what exists in the … Read more

Helena Grillo publishes new book by Grupo Editorial Coerência

Book "Pirate Honor" by Helena Grillo, cover - featured. Disclosure.

The author of the books “Agente Charlotte” and “The girl and the dictatorship”, Helena Grillo, lançou “Honra Pirata” pelo Grupo Editorial Coerência no último semestre A faixa preta em judô Helena Grillo lançou o primeiro livro da coleção “Espadas e Pistolas” em março deste ano pelo selo Plus Editora do Grupo Editorial Coerência. Intitulado como “Honra Pirata”, the title brings the story of Marina, … Read more

Hobin Rude: Publisher Kalima launches its first comic book via Catarse

"Hobin Rude - Memories of a Sidekick", by author Hugo Maximo, cover - featured. Disclosure.

"Hobin Rude - Memories of a Sidekick", comic book by Hugo Maximo, will be published by Editora Kalima via Catarse. Hugo Maximo brings a style of art/illustration little used in Brazil. A 3D and 2D digital art, demonstrating a beautiful and diverse look from other materials. Publisher Kalima, on the other hand, recently arrived on the market, but there is … Read more

LGBTQIA+ Pride Month: Coherence Editorial Group books to read in June

Book "The Little Magellanic Cloud", by Maria Clara Lacerda, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Discover stories starring LGBTQIA+ from the publishing house After the Stonewall Revolt, in 1969, when homosexuals confronted New York police during a raid on a bar in the city, a scenario was developed in which the community mobilizes to celebrate a year of struggle and pride for being what they are. Thus, … Read more

Launches of the Editorial Coherence Group in May 2021

Matumaini - Pietene's notebooks, by João Peçanha, cover - featured. Disclosure.

From the suspense to the collection of chronicles, publisher launches five books by national authors Grupo Editorial Coerência prepared six different books to be released during the month of May this year. João Peçanha, Misael Ferreira, Lilly Belmount, Marcio Zanini, Ana Boulos, Eliane and Neka Martins are the authors with new books inside the house … Read more

Resident who left Morro do Cubango and went to Milan / asphalt launches book “O Casulo”

Book “O Casulo” by Laila dos Santos, cover. Disclosure.

Laila dos Santos was born in Cubango, neighborhood of Niterói, Metropolitan Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro. She is the daughter of Lazarus, locksmith, and Sônia, from home. The girl who came down from the hill, fought, studied, became a journalist and, After, Master in Mass Communication, pela SAPIENZA de Rome. Throughout her career she became a businesswoman … Read more
