Reading space Eucalyptus promotes Week of Terror

The Eucalyptus Reading Space, one of the units of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation in Alto Boqueirão, promotes from next Monday (26), the week of terror. With a program aimed at children and adolescents, o espaço fará exibição de filmes, contação de histórias sobre vampiros, além de jogos literários em que os participantes escolhemRead more

Gisela Castro Alves calls for the launch of his book animals and Bichoutros

Gisela Castro Alves calls for the launch of his book animals and children's Bichoutros Saturday 17/10/2015 of the 12:00 Public Library 9:00 Luiz de Bessa freedom square, 21 Employees – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation:

The Poet receives the launch of the children's book "the girl who collected Stones"

Next Sunday (11), from 10:00 to 1:00 pm, The Poet receives the launch of the children's book "the girl who collected Stones". Written by poet and student of Pedagogy Catarina Rielli Vieira, the publication tells the story of a girl who liked all kinds stones. It could be great, small, escura ouRead more

FCC prepares special programming for the “Day of Reading. Every Day!”

This Thursday, day 1, happens the event “Day of Reading. Every Day!”, uma mobilização nacional de incentivo à leitura realizada em mais de 200 Brazilian cities. In Curitiba, a ação acontecerá nas unidades da Rede Municipal de Bibliotecas Escolares (Faróis do Saber, Bibliotecas Escolares, Bibliotecas Temáticas, Biblioteca Especializada em Educação e Gibitecas), nas Casas daRead more

Literature Seminar at the foot of the ear marks the launch of the Cultural Agenda Mandela Lives

The Literature Seminar at the foot of the ear – the paths and access to literature, What happens on the day 29 September, Tuesday, marks the official opening of the Mandela Vive Cultural Agenda. Free and open to the public, the project will discuss issues related to the accessibility of people with hearing and visual disabilities to literature, with tables … Read more

Brazil won the first Fine Art Photography Book

The work "Fine Art Photography", the photographer Danny Bittencourt, teaches how to develop artistic photography through the experience and personal concerns of each photographer, regardless of practice area. A step-by-step from the brainstorm, until the execution and image processing. The term "Fine Art" is a common expression in the Middle when it comes to photo printing. But there is another application for the … Read more

Donations of books for the Tubotecas benefit dozens of institutions

Donations of books for the Tubotecas benefit dozens of institutions in addition to ensuring a collection always renewed, community participation with book donations for Tubotecas also helps to supply more than forty institutions in Curitiba and in the Metropolitan Region. Since 2013, were 163.166 donated books, of these 122.262 were destined for Tubotecas. The … Read more

Against the Municipal Plan of the book debate, Reading, Literature and libraries

Against the Municipal Plan of the book debate, Reading, Literature and libraries Happens next Monday (14) in the Palace of students the sectoral Conference on the Municipal Plan of the book, Reading, Literature and libraries (PMLLLB). Scheduled to happen from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, the meeting will bring together professionals and users of libraries, educators, students, booksellers, editors, writers, mediadores deRead more

Mauricio de Sousa thrills at the opening of the 17th book biennial in Rio

Mauricio de Sousa thrills at the opening of the 17th book biennial in Rio's inaugural Ceremony event was attended by Mayor Eduardo Paes, que também abriu o Café Literário O emocionante discurso de Mauricio de Sousa marcou a abertura da 17ª Bienal Internacional do Livro do Rio de Janeiro, no início da tardeRead more

17International Book Biennale of Rio de Janeiro begins this Thursday and celebrates the diversity of the world of books

17The rd International Book Biennial in Rio de Janeiro begins this Thursday and celebrates the diversity of the world of books Largest literary event in the country, What happens at the Riocentro between 3 and 13 September, pays homage to Argentina and receives more than 200 autores brasileiros e estrangeiros A 17ª Bienal Internacional do Livro do RioRead more