Brazil receives unprecedented work of award-winning Argentine poet

Livro de Rodolfo Alonso contará com tradução de imortal da ABL Conhecido por ser amigo pessoal dos escritores Carlos Drummond de Andrade e Murilo Mendes, the Argentine poet Rodolfo Alonso will have their work translated into Portuguese. Edited by Penalux, o livro “Poemas Pendentes” trata-se de uma edição bilíngue que reúne textos inéditos de AlonsoRead more

Macunaíma, works of Monteiro Lobato and the first dictionary of the Portuguese language will be auctioned in São Paulo

The very rare first edition of Macunaíma, the most important novel of the Brazilian modernism and the construction of national identity, with the dedication of the author, Mario de Andrade, will be displayed until 27 June and will be auctioned in days 28, 29 and 30 the same month, in São Paulo, by Dutra Auctions, traditional house specializing in … Read more

Release Paper: The mystery of envy

The envy has always been conceived as a psychic phenomenon, biological or Mystic. These three forms of approach always generated negligible effects on those seeking relief or cure. For the first time a writer discusses a theory that the discomfort known worldwide as Envy is interpreted not as a psychological issue (particular), or Mystique (inexplicable supernatural), … Read more

Alliance Française carries out chat with journalist Mauricio Torres Assumpção

Writer and journalist is the author of the book "the history of Brazil in the streets of Paris", which tells the saga of historical characters in town. The chat is held in Portuguese and admission is free the Alliance Française offers, on Wednesday, 11, às 19h30, o bate-papo sobre o livro “A história do Brasil nasRead more

Book defends the importance of the words

The word goes beyond what is usual, trivial and everyday life. That's what the writer defends carioca Alexandra Vieira de Almeida in his new book of poems titled "Asleep in the verb". Released by the Publisher Penalux and composed of 67 poetry, the work aims to show the importance of the perception of the word in building everything around us. … Read more

Guilherme Vaz-a fraction of infinity

Book-catalogue about the trajectory of the multimedia artist Guilherme Vaz that brings together an overview of the life and work of one of the most complete Brazilian artists. With trouble chart, the bilingual edition features previously unpublished essays, historical texts, critical and analytical, documents, records and photographs The book will be launched with a debate between curators Franz Manata – … Read more

Free Course: The theater and literature in the works of Jean-Paul Sartre

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course on the theme "the theater and literature of Jean-Paul Sartre", who will speak about the way that the author found to bring his thinking to the concreteness of human reality. Without doubt, the author always pegged his thoughts to reality. In this course, … Read more

Photobiography of actress Marília Pêra has launch on the river

Book is sponsored by the network of Hotels Othon was released, yesterday, Monday (25), in the bookstore Travessa (Shopping Leblon), in Rio de Janeiro, the photobiography of actress Marília Pêra, sponsored by the network of Othon hotels. Among dozens of friends, actors, personalities and fans, Tomás Ramos attended the event; Martha Bezerra de Mello; Lars Berggren plus … Read more

Othon hotels network sponsors photobiography of Marília Pêra

The network of Hotels Othon is the sponsor of the actress Marília Pêra biopic that will be released next Monday, 25, in the bookstore Travessa (Shopping Leblon), in Rio de Janeiro. Through this initiative, Othon hotels seek to consolidate a story of support to projects that aim to enhance the Brazilian art. De acordo com oRead more