Book portrays the pains and joys of nostalgia

Who was never the reflective remember and miss you from the past? É sobre isso que o autor paraibano Jairo Cézar aborda em “O Peso das Gotas”. The book, It was winner of the prêmio José Américo de Literature, is divided into 5 parts, and brings the reader to the pains and joys of nostalgia, contendo referências literáriasRead more

Virtual auction has treasures of Brazilian artists

The first edition of the novel "the Frontiersman", which presents a prose with characters characteristic of the Brazilian sertão, of José de Alencar, the book "Elegies", by Cecília Meireles and several other rare works will be auctioned off by the Dutra Leilões space through a virtual auction that takes place on 18 and 19 January, at 8:30 pm. Accordingly … Read more

We're all ' bugs ' metros

Show the reader the "bug" that every human being carries within itself. This is the intention of the writer Anchieta Mendes with his new book "Metropolitan Bug". The work brings to literature the daily lives of people showing the animal side of human being in a colloquial form, ironic and angles, at the same time, … Read more

In the depths of fantastic fiction

Intrigue the reader with mystery and suspense. This is the intention of the writer Anderson Fraser with his new book ". Bergier & Other Stories ". With original plots, Fraser brings a literature material that discusses the impact of the limits of science, politics and religion in post-modern society. A obra reúne nove contos com narrativas deRead more

KAKA WERÁ calls for the launch of his book “THUNDER AND WIND "

Book launch of Kaka Werá Thunder and Wind a path of evolution by Tupi-Guarani shamanism 18 October 2016 19h às 22h Biblioteca Pública Estadual Luiz de Bessa Galeria de Arte Paulo Campos Guimarães Praça da Liberdade, 21 – Funcionários Convite:

Book celebrates the beauty and the desires of life

Writer, that has been a finalist for the Jabuti award, exudes sensuality without using old cliches in new work through words, present feelings that convey sensuality, beauty and pleasure for life. This is essence of the poems of Paul's port in his new book "Silver Dog". With lightness and intensity, without fear or trembling, … Read more

Brazil receives international meeting of poets of the Portuguese language

The Brazil is increasingly famous internationally. In addition to the Olympics, the country will host the third meeting of the day Portuguese Language poets 10 September, at the Museum of the Republic, in Rio de Janeiro. In addition to promoting integration between Portuguese speaking authors, the event will mark the launch of an anthology with 91 escritores deRead more

Book criticizes alleged perfection of social relations

Reflect on what lies behind appearances, This is the proposal of the new book the writer Claudia Marczak. Titled "a perfect world", the novel attempts to represent one of the great dramas of the society, the self-image of the social classes. The work tells the story of Louise, a beautiful woman, attractive, mother of two children, … Read more

The human body in the form of poetry

New Jabuti award winning work wins new edition In order to explain the wonderful creation of the human body in the form of poetry, Alexander Guarnieri plays with words to describe the creation and evolution of beings by means of biology. Reprinted by Penalux, the book "Body blanks", Jabuti Award winner 2015, … Read more

Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro holds meeting on African literature

A reading of French texts by renowned Senegalese writer Léopold Sédar Senghor will be presented, member of the French Academy Aliança Francesa Botafogo will hold next Thursday, day 28, a meeting with the African literature. The writer honored is the Senegalese, Member of the Academy of Arts of Paris, Léopold Sédar Senghor. A leitura será feitaRead more
