Matching Wine Tips & Food no Art in Progress

Meeting will be an experience for culinary fans Harmonizing food and drinks is a technique that helps to enhance the flavors of food and make the gastronomic experience even richer. Choosing the right wine for each type of food is an art space Art in Progress, in the Leblon Design River, ajudará aRead more

“The Portuguese language: one sketch of a people, their feelings and thoughts” by Fabiano de Abreu

The Abreu Fabiano philosopher brings a deep reflection on the language of the connection to the source, history and legacy of a people, as well as your thoughts and emotions. What is the language? What it is? Why it exists? Um estudo filosófico e antropológico pretende mostrar que a linguagem é mais doRead more

Virtual bookshelf receives donations of books for public libraries in Rio during the READ

WebSite, bringing together 2.600 bookstores, booksellers and small bookstores from all over Brazil, realizará ação voluntária com o objetivo de arrecadar livros a serem doados para o Sistema Estadual de Bibliotecas do Rio de Janeiro Engajada no poder de transformação da leitura, a plataforma digital de livros Estante Virtual foi convidada a participar como voluntáriaRead more

Solutions to the challenges of educating

Book has 22 Professional addressing different issues on education No child comes into the world with instruction manual. But it is possible to find solutions to the challenges that parents and teachers face on a daily basis. This is the book proposal “The Educate Challenge – The school today!”. Organizado pela coach eRead more

bad thoughts at night can bring bad consequences, Abreu explains Fabiano

Science recently published the discovery of a substance in our brain, in advance, which means that we have bad thoughts, especially at night. It is common that people might have insomnia, unwanted thoughts and even attitudes as a result. O filósofo Fabiano de Abreu já havia publicado em sua rede socialRead more

“Jesus, A Reporting "is the first time that the life of Christ is told by investigative journalism

Book "Jesus, A Reportage "Luiz Cesar Pimentel, cover. Photo: MF Global Press.

You never see right Jesus in the same way after this book. The story is told there 2.000 years or scientific magnifying glass or the religious is first exposed in investigative reporting format, with approach from all sources, in "Jesus, Uma Reportagem – A investigação completa sobre como um galileu comumRead more

Account “Start in Antofalla – Chile – Second part” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

very cold night. falling snow, sheepskin blanket, more blankets. Agreement at dawn, my hectic creation. (Lhamo, goats and goats, sheep, chickens and ducks). Levanto and I will see what happens. A pack of black wolves, led by a white wolf. I even have a gun, but I will drive them with rockets, (it worked) were … Read more

Book: How to know what your child really needs?

Child development experts talk about the challenges of education Many parents do everything that children want only to please them or to compensate for any lack. However, it can cost you dearly in the future of children. To help families meet the challenges of education, experts in child development Clay and Luciana Brites, … Read more

Maria Valeria Rezende debut 2018 with new fiction book

Winning writer presents tales that dialogue with childhood, the aging and death. One of the greatest exponents of Brazilian literature, the award-winning writer Maria Valeria Rezende releases his newest book by publisher Penalux. Titled "The Serena Face", a obra reúne contos que mostram a evolução e o amadurecimento de protagonistas que experimentam o contatoRead more

International Book Salon in Rio receives registrations

Project has toured several cities like New York, Lisboa, Berlin and Montreal Writers from different regions of the country are being invited to present their works at the International Book Fair in Rio de Janeiro. Organized by ZL Publisher, the event will take place in the France-Brazil, in central wonderful city, between days 28 from … Read more
