Book launch “Rio Beijing - Two Avenues Centenary”, at the Cultural Center Of Post - RJ

Rio Beijing Exhibition Results - Two centuries avenues, held at the Post Office Cultural Center at the end of the year 2018, livro com título homônimo é lançado no Brasil e na China reforçando o intercâmbio cultural selado entre fotógrafos chineses e brasileiros O lançamento no Rio de Janeiro será marcado pela realização da mesa redonda ARead more

Romance shows the challenges of choices and renunciations of life

The difficult task of facing the consequences of life choices and stuffed waivers. This is the plot of the book "Place of Frogs Full", Celina Moraes writer. The play is about the fabulous uncertainty of the future and the many possibilities through the decisions that people make in their lives. O romance narraRead more

Launch of the year: 'A Consideration' is a thriller breathtaking

The Brazilian writer Uranium Bonoldi, book brings story based on serial murders that take place in a mystical atmosphere and suspense. As background, the work highlights the importance of the choices and decisions, as well as the consequences generated by them São Paulo, May 2019 – Everyone is a moon and has a … Read more

Severo Brudzinski launches his new book on Thursday at Cine Tour

The writer Severo Brudzinski launches this Thursday (16), at 18h, in Coffeeterie Cine Tour, his new book "Goodbye, love!”, the windward Editorial. The book features a selection of free haiku, written in 2017, inspired by the works of Leonard Cohen, Serge Gainsbourg and Vinicius de Moraes, autores icônicos na tradição lírica e no cancioneiro românticoRead more

Book Hall in New York opens registration for writers

For those who dream of seeing their books running the world, 5th Salon Book New York is receiving applications for authors. Organized by ZL Books Publisher, the event takes place, days 19 and 20 of June, Brazilian Library in New York (Brazilian Endowment for the Arts). Those interested need to register, until … Read more

Looking for a new reading? Celebrate Consumer Week on the Virtual Shelf

They are works from R $ 4,00, from classic titles to newly released ones How about taking advantage of Consumer Week to buy that book you've been dating for a long time? A Virtual Shelf ( preparou uma seleção especial com títulos a partir de R$ 4,00 para celebrar a data com os usuários do maiorRead more

exciting book shows the challenges of Attention Deficit Disorder

In order to encourage other families, mother tells how her daughter helped to deal with disorder Nothing lasts forever, Only the love of a mother. It is with this phrase that Margarete Writer. Chinaglia summarizes the plot of his book "Disorder Attention Deficit - TDA: from the point of view of … Read more

edition celebrates 25 year history of the artist Valeria Costa Pinto

Book brings together research on the artist folds and creases in different formats and media respected visual artist, with important exhibitions curriculum in Brazil and abroad, Rio's Valeria Costa Pinto meets in book 25 years of his career in the Brazilian contemporary art. With limited run, translation and luxury finish, to … Read more

Lovely House launches Photobook Sabrina Pestana

"She'll be" hosts daily portraits grandfather of the photographer in your intimate space, and the project ended 236 days after it starts, com a morte súbita de seu modelo e colaborador A Lovely House promove o lançamento de “Ela vai ficar”, da fotógrafa paulistana Sabrina Pestana, editado pela autora e por Walter Costa, … Read more

Release Paper: MODIGLIANI - Mysteries to a touch of Love

Editora Chico Xavier and author Alex Ribeiro Prado, They have the honor to invite to the book launch party. SYNOPSIS MODIGLIANI - Mysteries to a touch of Love, a work written by real facts and widely documented. Featuring psychic guidance, Author trail hard and painful way, even … Read more
