Fiction book narrates romance during the Olympic Games in 2020 without the presence of COVID-19

Book “Tokio 2020” by Ane Forcato. Disclosure.

Written in 2019, book stands out when narrating a novel set in the Olympic Games of 2020 in Tokyo without the new Coronavirus pandemic With the COVID-19 pandemic, many events that would be held in 2020 have been canceled or postponed following WHO recommendations; this is the case with the olympic games, that this year … Read more

COVID-19: With the increase in suicide cases, illustrator launches book against depression

I Bittencourt. Photo: Disclosure.

With the increase in suicide deaths among young people 15 to 29 years, Io Bittencourt's book brings short phrases and illustrations to help depressed people The numbers of suicide deaths are constantly increasing in the world, and despite this reality, when someone touches on the subject he is charged with mysteries behind a … Read more

Next Friday in July there will be a dramatized reading cycle by Carlo Goldoni at IIC-Rio

Giovanna de Toni, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Organized by the Italian Institute of Culture the Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni, author of “Harlequin, server of two masters ”that won in Brazil a spectacular translation by Millôr Fernandes, wins cycle of dramatized Readings Curated by director and playwright Alessandra Vannucci and the participation of actors Julio Adrião, Julia Carrera, Tiago Catarino, Savio Moll, … Read more

Book turns poetry into a mosaic of feelings

Alexandra Vieira de Almeida. Photo: Tiberius Drumond.

A mural of layers that overlap each other. This is the feeling that the writer Alexandra Vieira de Almeida intends to convey to the reader through the book “Panel”, which reaches its second edition. The idea is to create, through poetry, a mosaic with varied elements, mixing, on your pages, the … Read more

The Italian Institute of Culture promotes a cycle of exclusive meetings with academic professors from Italy and Brazil

Michelangelo, The creation of Adam. Disclosure.

The first meeting will be conducted by professors of Italian Language and Literature at Universidade Federal Fluminense-UFF, Guido Alberto Bonomini and Paolo Torresan, about the three great artists of the Italian Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raffaello Sanzio. Friday, day 29 de Mayo, to 18:00, no Zoom. The Italian Institute of Culture holds this Friday, 29 … Read more

Philosopher Fabiano de Abreu launches series of books on the human mind during quarantine

Livro "7 pecados capitais que a filosofia explica", featured. Reproduction / MF Global Press.

The philosopher, psychoanalyst and specialist in studies of the human mind Fabiano de Abreu has released the second book in a series of five that will be released during the quarantine on Amazon and Google Books worldwide. The author plans to release a total of ten books later this year. During quarantine, um dos principais desafios das pessoasRead more

Writer Pedro Salomão is invited to launch digital platform

O projeto #CulturaemCasa idealizado pela Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Estado de São Paulo e Instituto Amigos da Arte disponibiliza conteúdo cultural durante a quarentena A Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Estado de São Paulo criou junto com o instituto Amigos da Arte a campanha #CulturaemCasa, com disponibilização de materiais completosRead more

Book brings social issues with the power of words

Through poetry, the book "The black color of the words" brings verses that highlight social issues, trying to reveal, through the blackness, the power of language and the voice of a race that was so overwhelmed. Published by the publisher Penalux, a obra da escritora Alexandra Vieira de Almeida busca fazer uma leitura sobre osRead more

Day Librarian: professionals gather to remember the importance of the profession

Event open space for discussions about library. Technological revolutions establish new markets for the profession that is also heated by the Law on the Universalization of School Libraries 12 March is celebrated throughout Brazil Day Librarian. The date is in honor of the birth of Manuel Bastos Tigre (1882-1957), consideradoRead more
