Fiction book raises reflections on the consequences of giving up on oneself

"The Forgotten History of the Inn on the Road", cover - featured, of C. The. Saltoris. Disclosure.

“The Forgotten History of Inn on the Road”, of C. The. Saltoris, wins new edition by Grupo Editorial Coerência With remarkable lecture at TED, the woman who gives life to the artist C. The. Saltoris se destaca por dominar um assunto muito presente em nossa sociedade. Giving up one's dreams has been a common attitude among the Brazilian population, … Read more

Book ‘Spits & splinters’ dives with intensity into contemporary pains and madness

Book ‘Spits & Mikha's splinters’, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Short story collection by writer Mikha released in 9 October, in São Paulo A current writing, female, Urbana, disturbing. an inevitable reading. This is how it is ‘Spits & splinters’, from São Paulo author Mikha, second volume of short stories from the trilogy beginning with ‘Ants & radishes’, collection released on 2019. Following, the narrator introduces us to the hospital … Read more

Ed Beltrão celebrates water in 'Temperance'

Black river. Photography: Ed Beltron.

“It reflects my moment of more maturity and the calm that time has brought” Ed Beltrão launches his first book and opens the exhibition “Temperança”, curated by Juan Esteves, with 20 photographs that display a cutout of your work where all images have 'water' as a central or partial focus. "Temperance" is the visual result … Read more

making case every day: the only and original diary of the pandemic

Digital book "Creating case every day: the only and original diary of the pandemic" by Carlos Schlesinger, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Carlos Schlesinger brings together delicious texts produced during isolation. Live book launch was attended by journalist Joaquim Ferreira dos Santos In his digital book ‘Creating case every day: the only and original diary of the pandemic’, lawyer Carlos Schlesinger decants the routine of isolation in anecdotal notes that express, beyond the agonies and … Read more

Portuguese-Brazilian journalist and writer, Ígor Lopes will present the book “Azores in Colors” in Rio, in São Paulo and Belo Horizonte in the month of October

Igor Lopes. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

The Portuguese-Brazilian journalist and writer Ígor Lopes will launch his fourth book-report in Brazil. “Azores in Colors – Beauties, Contours and Potentials” bears the seal of the publisher “Present Celebration” and had the support of the Azorean Government, through the Regional Directorate for Communities. The main objective of this initiative, according to the author, … Read more

Fabiano de Abreu launches new book with teachings on human behavior and possible solutions to preserve mental health for free distribution

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: MF Global Press.

for the PhD, neuroscientist, biologist and writer, reading expands people's power to choose to make the best decisions “In the depths of reason, the mental health pandemic" brings articles related to feelings and emotions that surfaced or were born in a pandemic scenario. Authored by the PhD, neuroscientist, neuropsychologist and biologist Fabiano de … Read more

Coerência Editorial Group opens the first Coerência Bookstore

Bookstore Coherence. Disclosure.

The franchise's first store will open in the center of Bragança Paulista, interior of São Paulo With the editorial crisis installed since 2015, countless bookstores had to close their doors. As usual, o Grupo Editorial Coerência contrariou o mercado e anunciou a abertura da primeira Livraria Coerência, which has the goal of consolidating itself as a franchise. … Read more

Cecília Vallim launches “O Tal do Twenty and Few Years”, motivational book about twenties crises

Book: "The Twentysomething Tale" by Cecilia Vallim, cover. Disclosure.

The author's debut work was released by Grupo Editorial Coerência Cecília Vallim, Goiás from 22 years, his debut in literature with “O Tal do Twenty and Few Years”, motivational book aimed at young people and adults over the age of twenty and who live with crises or uncertainties related to their professional future. The work was released ago … Read more

Three books to read during Yellow September

Three books to read during Yellow September, book covers. Disclosure.

With different perspectives on suicide and its prevention, each book on this list presents a unique proposal The suicide prevention campaign, the Yellow September, continues in Brazil fighting and discussing the reality of suicide cases in the country. worldwide, the suicide death rate has been falling, but in the Americas the percentages went up, … Read more

Adélio Amaro receives honor from renowned Academy

Adelio Amaro, featured. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Portuguese writer Adélio Amaro received, recently, a Motion of Honor of Merit from the Lucentina Academy of Philosophy and Humanities, based in Brazil, "for the relevant services provided in the area of ​​culture and bringing people together, namely in the connection between Portuguese-speaking countries, with special focus on Brazil and Portugal". This … Read more