gold River 2016

The artist Lee Borges is in a great phase of his career. In August 2016, He participated in the International Art Exhibition River 2016, performed by Eric Art SP, the Brazilian Society of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, where was the third time awarded his work Nebula Rise, and now with gold medal. … Read more

Interview with the Artist Read on interactive TV

In this interview above Read Borges tells of how it all began and also about the next show that will be participating in Rio de Janeiro. Check out the invitation for exhibition at the Brazilian Society of fine arts: At the end of last year, between days 03 to 23 th December 2015, a artista participou da Exposição InternacionalRead more

Artist Read Bapi Awarded at the International Biennial of art of Germany

The artist Read Borges, He participated with his work Rising Nebula, at the international biennial in Dortmund, Germany, by Eric Art Gallery – SP, in the days 16 to 18 October 2015, where his work was awarded with silver medal. [facebook] Read Borges is participating with their award-winning work, the international exhibition, na Associação deRead more

Read Borges in the exhibition held by the AAPP and Interart Inter TV

In the month of September 2015 the artist Read Borges, participated in the V Salon of Visual Arts ABD (Brazilian Association of Design and Visual Arts) in Petropolis, with his work Nebula Eruption from the Explosion of Feelings Series. In this collective exhibition, was awarded a special honor in the Contemporary Art category. In the month of October, Read more

Interview of the Artist Read on FM Youth Radio 95,5

Interview of the Artist Read on FM Youth Radio 95,5 Carreira e Projetos Futuros A artista plástica concedeu entrevista à rádio divulgando sua carreira e projetos futuros. Right now is participating in the first Cultural Institute Shows exodus and Imperial Award 2015 competing with the work of his Eruption Nebula explosion of Feelings. Essa sérieRead more

Display showcase explosion of Feelings of the Artist Read Borges

Exhibition of the Explosion of Feelings Exhibition by Visual Artist Lê Borges It is being held at the Raul de Leoni Culture Center, in the Gallery Van Dijk in Petropolis RJ. Praça Visconde de Maua 305, Center. Visitation Tuesday and Saturday: 10h 6:0 pm ACE, Sunday 10:0 at 5:0 pm. . Making the representation of the nebulae of the universe, with … Read more